Assystem - 2015 Registration Document



commission meets twice a year to ensure that difficult situations are monitored and to oversee the corresponding indicators. At Assystem, the culture of industrial dialogue and health and safety is ensured by the CHSCT which monitors employees’ working conditions.

the Group to adopt an ambitious, proactive policy to reinforce its management of nuclear risks. Assystem has demonstrated how seriously both it and its subcontractors take their responsibilities in this area by drawing up a Nuclear Risk Management Charter in 2014. This charter comprises four underlying principles: ● stringent application of clients’ legal provisions on security, supported by internal control measures adapted to each situation; ● continuous improvement of processes and a focus on training; ● exchanges based on trust and vigilance to ensure transparency. These principles broken down into commitments are monitored using indicators and undergo an annual joint assessment by the teams and clients in the relevant sector. The facts show that the greatest proven risk for Assystem is road accidents. They represent 60% of all accidents in France. The Management has decided to completely rethink its awareness-raising and prevention policy in order to significantly reduce this figure, initially in France. An evaluation has been conducted of risk behaviours and the measures that can be envisaged. Actions will be launched in 2016. ● Assystem has published a revised and supplemented Health & Safety guide for its French employees and is preparing an electronic version for its Global Intranet. Dissemination of this guide was supported locally by the network of Quality correspondents and the CHSCT (1) . ● To begin the task of improving OHS practices, an OHSAS 18001 certification campaign was launched to cover 100% of the Assystem E&I workforce. ● In the Middle East, Assystem has taken on a Health and Safety director to set up an effective management system due to the considerable Health, Safety and Environment challenges inherent with Oil & Gas projects. ● Specific action has been implemented as part of the Group’s development in the Middle East in order to integrate and up-skill all the teams, in particular those from Assystem-Radicon in Saudi Arabia. Protecting employees’ health and working environment In order to ensure the health of employees, it is important to manage risks related to their working environment and the consulting profession itself, frequently on client sites. Stress, isolation and the irregular pace of life when employees go on assignments are sources of psychosocial risks. In France, since 2011, 415 people have been trained in recognition and prevention of psychosocial risks in management practices. A joint ● taking into account social and human factors; 2015 NEWS



Encouraging an environment that promotes well-being at work

Assystem does not only seek to prevent risks. The Group’s objective is to offer the best possible work environment, convinced that happy employees are motivated and productive. The objectives take on different forms depending on countries and cultures, but are always the same: to ensure a balance between private life and work, to assist employees in their personal lives (parenthood, illness, accidents), and to capitalise on new technologies in order to offer flexibility and time- saving measures. ● At the end of the year, Assystem launched an initial pilot project to set up home-working within the Group. It relates to an eligible group of 1,000 employees, and should concern about 15% of the Group. It is planned to make an interim assessment during 2016 in order to extend the project to the entire workforce, at least in France, in the subsequent months. ● Caretaker experiments have also been conducted during the year and will no doubt continue. ● Finally, Romania published its annual employee satisfaction barometer for the second consecutive year, opening the way in 2016 for this tool to be made available to all the Group’s employees. Promoting and managing social dialogue Assystem takes care to foster open social dialogue with its employee representatives and trade unions with a view to promoting responsible operating methods and practices. It aims to make industrial relations a means to achieve progress within the Company. 2015 NEWS Social dialogue was particularly frequent in France in 2015 due in particular to the elections of personnel representatives, the creation of a new legal and corporate entity (Assystem Régions, subsidiary of Assystem France), and the signing of several agreements on disabilities, gender equality, health insurance ( Contrat Responsable ), work-life balance, etc. A hundred or so meetings were held with the trade unions and/or personnel representatives. 2015 NEWS

(1) Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee.




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