SWEX_Swep Exchange 2022

What types of energy sources will we be The future of

o, what are the alternatives to oil, gas and coal, and which S ones are actually ready to potentially fill the spot? Here we have compiled a list of energy sources that hold the most promise, some of which are already being used to generate energy around the world.

Solar Energy Solar energy is one of the most familiar of the sources on this list. Solar can be categorized as solar thermal or solar power, with solar thermal dating back to the late 1800s. This is the process of transforming the sun’s rays into heat or electric energy by using liquids, tanks, mirrors and/or photovoltaic cells. Solar has massive advantages, as the total amount of solar energy absorbed by the earth in one hour and 25 minutes is more energy than the entire world uses in one year. Wave Energy Surfers have known about the power of the ocean for centuries. As waves

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has had an immense effect on energy prices all over the globe – directly and indirectly. EU imported more than 40% of its gas, 27% of its oil and 46% of its coal from Russia in 2021. And while there had been a general trend towards decarbonization and fossil-free fuels, the war has made this transition more of a necessity.


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