SWEX_Swep Exchange 2022
Easy ways to save energy at home Set your thermostat
kinetic energy of the wind to turn turbines to produce electricity. The idea is so simple that the first windmill to produce electricity was built in 1888. Wind energy is 100% renewable and is one of the leaders in the race to find a future energy source due to its clean, non-polluting method of producing electricity. Some of the challenges associated with wind energy are the initial cost, dangers to local wildlife, noise levels and the aesthetics of having large windmills placed on the landscape.
Every degree above 20 °C can add 10% to your heating bill.
and slows the rotation of the earth by 0.06 microseconds.
Natrium Nuclear One of the most contro- versial sources on the list, nuclear has had a few high- profile accidents that have tarnished its image in the public eye. New, next gen facilities that are being constructed in USA and Japan use Natrium technology. This provides the reactor with a wider operating temperature range and can also be cooled passively – reducing the need for back-up power supplies and cooling systems. While we might not be able to completely stop using oil and gas in the near future, these solutions will greatly reduce our short-term dependency and provide us with the opportunity to test and improve to create long-term renewable sources. At SWEP, we believe in creating energy-efficient solutions that challenge efficiency. We’re excited about how these new solutions will make the transition to green energy faster and easier for our customers while making the world a more sustainable place. n
Hydroelectric One of the oldest and most
prevalent sources of renewable energy is hydroelectric. Its roots can be traced back to water wheels on river banks. Two of the most famous implementations are the Hoover Dam in the United States and Three Gorges Dam in Yichang, China. The volume of water (39 trillion kilograms) held by Three Gorges Dam is so large that it has altered Earth’s moment of inertia
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