New Publication Announcement (June-September 2015)

Author/ISBN or Product Code

Price ($)

Sterling (£) Euro (€)




Wolters Kluwer 978-1-4963-0631-9

Wound Care Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series ® ), 3e

37 $49.99(t)

£36.00(t) €43.00(t)

38 $79.99

£53.00 €64.00

Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society ® 978-1-4511-9440-1

Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society ® Core Curriculum: Wound Management (WOCN ® Core Curriculum)

Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society ® 978-1-4511-9441-8

39 $79.99

£53.00 €64.00

Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society ® Core Curriculum: Continence Management (WOCN ® Core Curriculum)

Kline - Tilford 978-1-4963-0856-6

Lippincott Certification Review: Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

40 $104.99 £71.00 €85.00

Wolters Kluwer 978-1-4963-1664-6

NCLEX-PN Q&A Plus! Made Incredibly Easy! Revised Reprint

41 $52.99(t)

£35.50(t) €43.00(t)


Gehrig 978-1-4511-9415-9

Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist, 4e

42 $88.99(t)

£59.00(t) €71.00(t)

Sterling and Euro prices are applicable in Europe only. All prices, bibliographic details and publication dates are liable to change without prior notice.

Wolters Kluwer

3rd Quarter 2015

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