1930 The Drinks of Yesteryear a Mixology

Flips Flips were regarded as tonics by most drinkers. They were a sort of medicinal drink, thought to be "builders", and were taken usually for refreshing and restorative reasons. Sherry. W ~ teaspoonful of sugar; 1 fresh egg; a drink of Sherry ~e; shake well; strain into a small stem glass and spnnkle grated nutmeg on top. Port. Same as above, using Port Wine instead of Sherry. Royal. Same as Sherry Flip adding a pony of Orange Curacoa. Runi. 1 teaspoonful of sugar; 1 fresh egg; 1 drink of Jamaica or ~roix Rum; shake well; strain into a small glass and Sprinkle Nutmeg on top. llrandy. Same as above, using Brandy instead of Rum. Whiskey. Same as above using Rye or Bourbon Whiskey instead of Brandy. ' by ~':f1dinĀ· Brandy and Whiskey Flips were sometimes served hot g hot water and using a larger glass.


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