2017 Annual Report

Science News | NOVEMBER 11, 2017 BRIGHT BURST

Two ultradense cores of dead stars produced a long-awaited collision observed directly for the first time this year. The smashup of neu- tron stars 130 million light-years away, shown in this artist’s conception, showered scientists with riches. Some 70 observatories gathered data in the form of gravitational waves, gamma rays, X-rays, radio waves and in visible, ultravi- olet and infrared light. “Already it is transform- ing our understanding of the universe, with a fresh narrative of the physics of stars in their death throes,” said France Córdova, director of the National Science Foundation.


For more information, please contact: Bruce Makous Chief Advancement Officer 202-872-5138 | bmakous@societyforscience.org www.societyforscience.org | www.sciencenews.org

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