

1st place: “Baby Blue Maxima Clam” by URI aquaculture and fisheries major Michael Corso ’24 of Medford, MA. The photograph is of a juvenile maxima clam grown in a coral/invertebrate aquaculture and distribution facility in Wilmington, MA. In the wild, a clam like this may live for more than 200 years. However, due to climate change and plastics pollution, captive propagation and growth may be the only hope of survival for many integral reef species, including giant clams. By continuing research and development of new sustainable aquaculture methods, we may be able to protect even the most vulnerable creatures. “As a student at the University of Rhode Island, my goal is to learn about and develop new sustainable methods to protect our planet’s aquatic species,” said Corso. “My work is in direct relation with my academic pursuits.”

- Michael Corso ’24

2nd place: “Serenity” by Thupten Tendhar, coordinator of the URI Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies and Wakefield, RI resident. “I teach about peace of mind and the inter- connected nature of phenomena,” said Tendhar. “This photo shows how humans can learn, enjoy, and derive a positive impact from nature to feel peaceful and enhance our sense of belonging, realizing that we are all a small part of a bigger universe.” John Palumbo, president and publisher of Rhode Island Monthly stated that the photo depicted focused calmness.

- Thupten Tendhar

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