2018 Section 5 - Rhinology and Allergic Disorders

Research Original Investigation

Evaluating Surgeon-Specific Performance for Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

32 . Rudmik L, Xu Y, Liu M, Bird C, Kukec E, Quan H. Utilization patterns of topical intranasal steroid therapy for chronic rhinosinusitis: a Canadian population-based analysis. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2016;142(11):1056-1062 . 33 . Xu Y, Quan H, Faris P, et al. Prevalence and incidence of diagnosed chronic rhinosinusitis in Alberta, Canada. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2016;142(11):1063-1069 . 34 . Hopkins C, Andrews P, Holy CE. Does time to endoscopic sinus surgery impact outcomes in chronic rhinosinusitis? retrospective analysis using the UK clinical practice research data. Rhinology . 2015;53(1):18-24 . 35 . Smith KA, Smith TL, Mace JC, Rudmik L. Endoscopic sinus surgery compared to continued medical therapy for patients with refractory chronic rhinosinusitis. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol . 2014;4(10): 823-827 . 36 . Council ML, AlamM, Gloster HM Jr, et al. Identifying and defining complications of dermatologic surgery to be tracked in the American College of Mohs Surgery (ACMS) Registry. J Am Acad Dermatol . 2016;74(4):739-745 . 37 . Erekson EA, Iglesia CB. Improving patient outcomes in gynecology: the role of large data registries and big data analytics. J Minim Invasive Gynecol . 2015;22(7):1124-1129 . 38 . Norrving B, Bray BD, Asplund K, et al; European Implementation Score Collaboration. Cross-national key performance measures of the quality of acute stroke care in Western Europe. Stroke . 2015;46(10): 2891-2895 . 39 . Southwood JE, Loehrl TA, Poetker DM. Advances in surgery: extended procedures for

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sinonasal polyp disease. Adv Otorhinolaryngol . 2016;79:148-157 . 40 . Rudmik L, Soler ZM, Orlandi RR, et al. Early postoperative care following endoscopic sinus surgery: an evidence-based review with recommendations. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol . 2011;1 (6):417-430 . 41 . Maruthappu M, Gilbert BJ, El-Harasis MA, et al. The influence of volume and experience on individual surgical performance: a systematic review. Ann Surg . 2015;261(4):642-647 . 42 . Sahni NR, Dalton M, Cutler DM, Birkmeyer JD, Chandra A. Surgeon specialization and operative mortality in United States: retrospective analysis. BMJ . 2016;354:i3571 . 43 . Soler ZM, Rudmik L, Hwang PH, Mace JC, Schlosser RJ, Smith TL. Patient-centered decision making in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis. Laryngoscope . 2013;123(10):2341-2346 . 44 . Hopkins C, Rudmik L, Lund VJ. The predictive value of the preoperative Sinonasal Outcome Test-22 score in patients undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis. Laryngoscope . 2015;125(8):1779-1784 . 45 . Rudmik L, Soler ZM, Hopkins C. Using postoperative SNOT-22 to help predict the probability of revision sinus surgery. Rhinology . 2016;54(2):111-116 . 46 . Rudmik L, Soler ZM, Mace JC, DeConde AS, Schlosser RJ, Smith TL. Using preoperative SNOT-22 score to inform patient decision for endoscopic sinus surgery. Laryngoscope . 2015;125(7):1517-1522 .

JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery September 2017 Volume 143, Number 9 (Reprinted)


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