
Appearing dead/hibernation In the wild a hamster will hibernate during colder weather. If the temperature falls to around 41˚F (5˚C) or lower then the hamster may enter a state of torpor —hibernation. With central heating it is unusual for the room temperature to fall so low, but it can happen. Certainly it was more common in the past, and it is sad to think that many a healthy, hibernating hamster has been mistakenly thought of as dead and been buried prematurely. If you think that your hamster is hibernating, place it on to a warm towel in an open-top deep box—in his cage so he cannot accidentally get out and get lost. Put it into a warm room where he can gently come round. Check on him periodically to ensure all is well. If your hamster is sluggish and unresponsive and has not been exposed to cold, then he is ill and you should seek veterinary advice.



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