1912 The Buffet Blue Book bu John H Considine


Use large glass. %. glass filled with shaved ice, 1-3 wine glass green chartreuse, 1-3 wine glass Italian ve1·mouth, 1-3 wine glass Plymouth gin. Stir well with spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon juice on top. 21. BISMARCK COCKTAIL. Mixing glass 1h full of shaved ice, 3 or 4 dashes Bismarck Stomach Bi"tters, 2 dashes gum syrup, 1 wine glass 1·ye whiskey. Stir with spoon, strain in cocktail glass, put in cherry and serve. 22. • BLACKTHORN COCKTAIL. Fill mixing glass 2-3 full ftne ice; 1 tea– spoonful of syrup, % teaspoonful of lemon juice, 2 dashes orange bitters, 1h wine glass Italian vermouth, 1 dash Abbott's Bitters, 1h wine glass sloe gin. Stir ingredients thor– oughly and strain in cocktail glass and serve. 23. BLUE BLAZER. Use 2 metal mugs or 2 heavy bar glasses; 1h tablespoon sugar, dissolved in a little wa– ter; 1 wine glass Scotch or rye whiskey. Set the liquid on fire, and while blazing pour 3 or 4 times from one to the other. This will look like a ·stream of fire; twist a piece of lemon peel on top, with a little grated nut– meg, and serve. This preparation requires skill; a little practice will be necessary . 24. BRANDY AND GINGER ALE. Large high glass, 2 or 3 lumps of ice, 1 wine glass of brandy, 1 bottle ginger ale. Stir with spoon and serve.




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