1912 The Buffet Blue Book bu John H Considine



One bottle forbidden fruit, · 1 bottle cog– nac, 2 bottles champagne, 2 bottles sau– terne or hock, 2 bottles carbonated water, 2 oranges sliced, 2 lemons sliced. Sweeten to suit; cool and serve. 260. ''ADAM AND EVE FUDGE.'' Use mixing glass, 3 lumps rce; 1-3 jigger forbidden fruit, 1-3 jigger sauterne. Pour in about 3 wine glasses fresh carbonated water; stf.r slowly; pour mixture on top; place straws and slice or orange on top, and serve; serve very cold. 261. MARGUERITE. Use mixing glass, % full lee; 2 dashes Abbott's Bitters, 2 dashes abrlcotine, 1 jigger dry gin. Stir well; strain into cock– tail glass; add olive and serve. 262. ''NAVAJO.'' • One lump cut sugar, dissolved In little seltzer; 2 dashes Abbott's Bitters, 2 dashes orange bitters, % jigger rye whis– key, % jigger Jamaica rum. Use old– fashioned whiskey glass; place small spoon in glass; dash on top with seltzer, and serve. 263. ''RAG TIME'' COOLER. Use large mixing _glass, % full ice; 2 spoonfuls lemon juice, 1 spoonful bar sugar, 1-3 jigger catawba (dry), 1-3 jigger cognac. ::-3 jigger arrack, Fill up with carbonated water; stir well; strain into tall glass; add slice pineapple, and serve, with straws in glass.



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