Policies & Procedures Manual


Class “A” offenses will result in immediate and permanent dismissal from living on campus.

Class “B” offenses will carry a $100.00 fine plus restitution. Any two class “B” offenses equal one class “A” offense. Class “C” offenses carry a $50.00 fine plus restitution. Any two class “C” offenses equal one class “B” offense. Each student living in campus housing at East Central Community College must sign a housing contract and is subject to removal from campus housing if the contract is broken. Students will be asked to note any damages in their room on the back of the contract. Anything that needs immediate attention should be turned in to Housing officer on a separate piece of paper. (Example would be door or window locks.) ** Residents are responsible for damages to their rooms. Students will be charged for any damages or for any missing furniture. Students are asked to do a thorough inspection and note any damaged, broken, or missing items on the back of the contract. ***If students fail to complete and turn in the contract, they are liable for any damages that may have been in their room previously. (Revised 8/14/01; Revised 12/18/01; Revised 6/8/10; Revised 2/11/14; Revised 9/9/14; Revised 12/15/15; Revised 11/13/18) * The cost for a replacement key will be $10.00.

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