Senior Resources Northeast Directory 2018-19


Senior Resources, Inc. specializes in providing comprehensive information onservice providers for older adu lts inthe state ofWisconsin. If you are a consu mer or wou ld like to reach a consu mer, we have many options available via ou r catalogs and the world wide web. Call, write or email us for more information on any of our fine publications. Online: Email: Mail: P.O. Box 285, Germantown, WI 53022

Sou theastWiscon sin Directory of Services For Older Adu lts

Sou th Cen tralWiscon sin Directory of Services For OlderAdu lts

Greater Milwau keeArea

Greater Milwau keeArea

Tel: 262-253-0901 Fax: 262-253-0903

Sen ior Health Care Gu ide

Sen ior Hou sin g Option s

| 125

2 0 1 8 -1 9 S E N I O R R E S O U R C E S

F or information on S enior S ervices in Wisconsin, visit our website

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