3rd grade Instructional Guide

End of Unit Competency Students will learn about and compare different types of government. They will identify signifcant ideas in the United States and Utah Constitutions, as well as compare similarities and differences between the documents. Language Features: ● Nouns: Utah Constitution, United States Constitution, ideas, documents, power, rights, government ● Verbs: compare, learn, identify, balance, summariae, explain, discuss SKILLS VOCABULARY (Can be supplemented by Wonders and be classroom-specifc) ● argue ● explain

● Social change ● Environmental change ● Immigrate ● Emigrate ● Immigration ● Primary source ● Forced relocation ● Assimilation ● Adversity

● Physical geography ● Cultural division ● Economic division ● CivilWar ● Primary document ● Secondary document ● Slavery

● summarize ● relocation ● assimilation

● preserve ● compare ● contrast ● cite ● identify

● US Civil War ● reconciliation

Wonders Content Integration Wonders TE T310-T313 Students read “Solving Local Problems” and “What Constitutes a Constitution?” and compare the texts using a Venn Diagram. Standard 3.1.3 Summarize how the Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land, and explain how laws provide order and stability. Standard 3.1.5 Explain how the Constitution balances power between the three branches of government at both the state and federal levels (checks and balances).

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