Discovering Mexico

Postal Service You can find a post office (Oficina de Correos) in every city in Mexico. Stamps can be purchased at post offices or from stamp machines located outside the post office, bus stations, or airports. Airmail letters have to be weighed and stamped at the post office. For high value or urgent items use a shipping company such as FedEx or UPS. International packages must be taken to the post office with the package OPEN so it can be inspected before being shipped out. Internet and Wi-Fi High speed internet providers include Telmex with its Infinitum product, and Cablevision which provides internet via cable and is usually a bit faster for uploads and downloads. If you purchase, Infinitum you may also use the Prodigy Wi-Fi access from thousands of hotspots around Mexico. Additionally, many cafes and restaurants in the city have free Wi- Fi for customers.

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Discovering Mexico

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