AOAC Methods Review (Codex STAN 234)

Steve Holroyd

No Question 1 Method #

Possible Answers AOAC 920.116

2 Review Status 3 Provision listed in CXS 234 4 Principle listed in CXS 234 5 Type listed in CXS 234




6 Choose Commodity listed in CXS 234 7 Corresponding Codex Commodity standard


CXS 279 ‐ 1971

7a Does the commodity standard give ranges for the  provision? N 7b If yes, include range from standard 8 Does the method document include the  commodity in the field of application? Y 8a Please provide information on the commodity in  the field of application 9a If no, please describe the information that should  be corrected. 10 Is the method fit for purpose to measure the  provision as listed in the commodity standard ? 10a Please provide information 11 Is the method fit for purpose  according to  technical evaluation ? N N 9 Is the method information accurate?

No precision data or method detail is supplied


Needs method detail and precision data based on interlab study

11a Please provide information on technical evaluation Insufficient information on method and performance. Method  requires heating at 100C to a constant weight. 12 Is the method listed alongside any other methods  in CXS 234? N 12a If yes, please list methods as listed in CXS 234 12b If yes, please provide indication of comparability of  the AOAC method referenced with co‐listed  methods, if possible 13 Is further review of this method needed? Y 13a If yes, skip to Q14 13b1 If no, please provide final recommendation for CXS  234, considering only the method under review Additional review needed 13b2 If no, please provide final recommendation for CXS  234, if possible, considering all methods listed for  this commodity and provision 14 Is this method in use in your laboratory or by other  laboratories of which you are aware? N 14a If yes, please provide information about these  laboratories and their use of the method 15a Additional comments/feedback on method: M 15b Process comments: Notes:

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