AOAC Methods Review (Codex STAN 234)

10. Is the method fit for purpose to measure the provision as listed in the commodity standard? 11. Is the method fit for purpose according to technical evaluation? 12.Is the method listed alongside any other methods in CXS 234?




12a. If yes, please list methods as listed in CXS 234

NKML 139

12b. If yes, please provide indication of comparability of the AOAC method referenced with co-listed methods, if possible

Identical compared

13. Is further review of this method needed?


13b. 1. If no, please provide final recommendation for CXS 234, considering only the method under review 13b. 2. If no, please provide final recommendation for CXS 234, considering all methods listed for this commodity and provision 14. Is this method in use in your laboratory or by other laboratories of which you are aware?

No change

Recommended as it is. Please check the Codex Title and method details


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