AOAC Methods Review (Codex STAN 234)

9. Is the method information accurate?


9a. If no, please describe the information that should be corrected

"Commodity" is not collect. "Milk products" is not explicitly listed in AOAC 999.10.

According to AOAC 999.10, it is described below.

AOAC 999.10 is not applicable to foods with a fat content ≧ 40%. Not applicable to milk powder.

10. Is the method fit for purpose to measure the provision as listed in the commodity standard? 11. Is the method fit for purpose according to technical evaluation? 11a. Please provide information on technical evaluation



I feel anxious about we could not digest edible casein products (especially acid casein) completely when we use a microwave oven program of AOAC 999.10.

I think the duration of parameters for microwave oven program (AOAC 999.10, Table 999.10D) is short for acid casein to digestion completely.

12.Is the method listed alongside any other methods in CXS 234?


13. Is further review of this method needed?


13b. 1. If no, please provide final recommendation for CXS 234, considering only the method under review 13b. 2. If no, please provide final recommendation for CXS 234, considering all methods listed for this commodity and provision

Additional review needed

I recommend to confirm parameters for microvawe oven program for edible casein products (especially acid casein). I agree to recommendations of JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME CODEX COMMITTEE ON METHODS OF ANALYSIS AND SAMPLING 39thSession. lnk=1& %252FMeetings%252FCX-715-39%252FWD%252Fma39_04_add1e.pdf The following are the details: AOAC 999.10 as written is not applicable to foods ≥40%fat, specifically states not applicable to milk powder, does not contain precision data or specify applicability to milk products.

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