ניו-טק מגזין | מאי 2024 | המהדורה הדיגיטלית

WEBINAR: CLOUD-CONNECTED PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT To better navigate today’s product complexities and innovate faster, companies must move away from traditional development methods and embrace a more modern approach with cloud solutions. Yet not all cloud platforms are created equal. Explore the nuances of cloud native versus cloud enabled solution approaches and uncover how companies are driving effective cloud-connected product development. You will learn: » Distinctions between cloud native vs. cloud enabled solutions, and get an in-depth look into architecture, security, and scalability » Insights into why more companies are opting for cloud solutions and what this means for the future of product development

Markus Fleckenstein Head of Solution Consulting, International Arena, by PTC

Zsolt Engli CAD, PLM & PDM Expert Former SolidWorks, Dassault Systèmes & Computervision

» How companies are driving effective innovation and collaboration, and speeding time to market through cloud product development solutions

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