Basic Training 4th Annual ICP Conference

16.16 ICP-MS Measurement

Quantitative Analysis Measurement Techniques - External Calibration using Calibration Standards

• Know or learn about the sample composi9on. A semi-quan9ta9ve analysis using a scanning approach for the en9re mass range allows the analyst to predict interferences and select internal standards and analyte isotopic masses. • Perform interference check analysis. Prepare for the varia9ons in the matrix and analyte composi9on and determine if correc9ons that have been built into the procedure are capable of providing the required accuracy. • Use internal standards to help correct for driD

16.17 ICP-MS Measurement

Quan%ta%ve Analysis Measurement Techniques - External Calibra-on using Internal Standards

• Avoid M interferences • Avoid MO and other molecular interferences • Any naturally occurring internal standard element in your sample must be insignificant in comparison to the amount added • Use internal standard elements as close as possible to the masses of the analyte elements • Make sure the matrix doesn't react with the internal standard to alter (lower) it's concentra-on • Common internal standard elements are 6Li, Be, Sc, Ga, Ge, Y, Rh, In, Cs, Pr, Tb, Ho, Re, Bi, and Th - note many are monoisotopic. • Use peak hopping rather than scanning for the final analysis.

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