Basic Training 4th Annual ICP Conference

Using an Internal Standard (IS)

Intensity Calculations for IS Background Corrected Counts: 678,046 – 35,524 = 642,522 cps 556,305 – 59,679 = 496,626 cps !"#,%##&'( ")!,!#!&'( = 1.294 (IS Correction Factor)

678,046 cps 556,305 cps

1ppm Zn (206.200nm) Added to Fe & 6020ICS-9A

59,679 cps 35,524 cps

We will multiply the intensity of the quenched signal by this factor for equivalent comparison.

Applying the IS Correction

70,804,234 cps

70,804,234 – 1,094,560 = 69,709,674 52,881,719 – 1,094,560 = 51,787,159

52,881,719 cps

Fe 373.486nm

51,787,159 x 1.294 = 67,012,584 cps

Now the difference in corrected counts is -3.9% This is much better than -26%

1,094,560 cps

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