Basic Training 4th Annual ICP Conference

3:5 Sampling and sub-sampling

Developing a Sampling Plan (cont.)

• The contamination risks. • The number of samples to be taken. • How the samples will be collected -- by whom and in what kind of container. • The total quantity of the aggregate sample. • Whether specific storage conditions are required. • Whether preservation is required. • Whether and how the aggregate sample will be sampled (sub-sampling). • Whether grinding or sieving will be used. • The size of the final sample and whether more than one aliquot be prepared for analysis.

3:6 Sampling and sub-sampling

Constructing a Sampling Program

The above information can then be used to construct a sampling program, using the following set of criteria:

• The objective as stated above. • Analyte(s) of interest and method(s) to be used. • Sampling location(s). • Number of samples to be collected and the procedure for sampling, including sample preservation / pretreatment / storage conditions / requirements.

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