City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

103 221 338 246 245 214 238

Job Evaluation

Jury Duty

Lactation Break

Leave for Parental Involvement in Schools

Leave for the Adoption or Foster Care Placement of a Child

Leave for the Birth of a Child

Leave Without Pay


Limitations on the Employment of Relatives


List of Appendices


Manual for Personnel Administration


Market Based Salary Adjustments


Merit Principle

119 231 225 234 228 217 301

Merit Salary Increases

Military Leave - Active Duty

Military Leave - Annual Reservist Training

Military Leave - Deployment in Time of War

National Guard Duty

Official Duty Leave

Optum Live and Work Well Employee Support Program


Outside Employment

249 248

Paid Family Caregiver Leave

Paid Parental Leave


Payroll and Deduction Methods

394 260

Performance Planning and Appraisal Program

Personal Observance Leave

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G


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