City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Sick and Sick-Family Leave Number: F-3 Revision: 16 Effective Date: 02-01-2023

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G 1.0 POLICY T he City of Greensboro provides Sick Leave with pay to all benefit eligible positions. 2.0 PURPOSE T he City recognizes that occasionally an employee is unable to work due to a personal illness or injury or the serious illness of a family member. In these circumstances the City allows employees to use Sick or Sick-Family Leave, as outlined in this policy, so they may be paid while away from work. Sick Leave is granted by the City, unlike Annual Leave which is earned by the employee. For this reason, the use of Sick and Sick-Family Leave is more restrictive than the use of Annual Leave. 3.0 SCOPE This policy applies to employees in all benefit eligible positions. 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Sick Leave - A pay continuation granted to benefit eligible employees during periods of personal illness or injury except as provided in Policy F-7, Leave for the Birth of a Child (page 214) and Policy F-19, Leave for the Adoption or Foster Care Placement of a Child (page 245). 4.2 Sick-Family Leave - A pay continuation granted to benefit eligible employees, in limited situations as detailed in this policy, for the serious illness of family members except as provided in Policy F-7, Leave for the Birth of a Child (page 214), Policy F-19, Leave for the Adoption or Foster Care Placement of a Child (page 245), and Policy F-22, Paid Family Caregiver Leave (page 249). Sick-Family Leave is a specialized use of Sick Leave and is subtracted from the employee’s Sick Leave balance. 4.3 Benefit Eligible - Full-time and part-time employees who are eligible for coverage and participation in the City’s benefit programs in addition to legally mandated coverage. See the appendix document, Position Types on page 427. 4.4 Immediate Family - For the purpose of this policy, immediate family is defined as spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in law, daughter-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, grandmother-in-law, grandfather-in-law, grandson, granddaughter, stepmother, stepfather, stepchild, sister-in-law, and brother-in-law.

F - Leaves of Absence


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