City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

sustained while engaged in outside employment. Outside Employment (page 48) 5.4 Medical Appointments A. Non-Exempt Rules

With prior approval of the employee’s supervisor, a full-time employee may attend a medical or dental appointment of up to two hours duration without charge against Sick Leave or any other form of paid leave. Medical appointment time should not result in an employee receiving straight overtime for the workweek. Medical appointment time cannot exceed two hours within a scheduled pay period for full time non-exempt employees. If an employee has medical appointments that exceed two hours within a pay period, the employee must use Sick Leave for all additional hours. Employees utilizing the City’s Medical Service Mini Clinic will be charged Medical Appointment Leave if the visit occurs during the scheduled work hours. With prior approval of the employee’s supervisor, a part time employee may attend a medical or dental appointment without charge against Sick Leave or any other form of paid leave as follows: PT 20, one (1) hour; PT 25, 1.25 hours; or PT 30, 1.5 hours. Part time employees’ medical appointments cannot exceed the prorated limit within a pay period. In the event that a medical or dental appointment takes longer than two hours for the full time employee (one hour for the PT 20 employee; 1.25 hours for the PT 25 employee; or 1.5 hours for the PT 30 employee) and the employee returns to work on the same day as the appointment, Sick Leave or paid time-off will be charged for the amount of time beyond the designated benefit amount. In the event that the medical or dental appointment takes longer than the designated benefit amount and the employee does not return to work on the same day after the appointment, the supervisor or manager may charge all time away from work as Sick Leave or paid time-off for the employee. B. Exempt Rules With prior approval of the employee’s supervisor, an exempt employee may attend a medical or dental appointment. Medical appointments for exempt employees do not have a time limit and do not have to be recorded in the City’s Time and Attendance System. Supervisors and managers must monitor all exempt employees’ usage and address any issues or concerns arising from the amount of time away from work. C. In the event that it is essential for an employee to transport a member of the immediate family who is ill to attend a medical or dental appointment, the time away from the job will be counted as Sick-Family Leave or PTO. When an employee takes a member of the immediate family to a medical or dental appointment that is considered routine, the time spent away from the job will be deducted from available (PTO) balances.

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

F - Leaves of Absence


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