City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

A. An individual may not volunteer for the City or a City-sponsored event to perform the same types of services as those for which the individual was employed to perform. For example, a police officer may not volunteer to do traffic control for the City’s Fun Fourth Celebration. However, a police officer may volunteer to work an information booth at the Fun Fourth Celebration. B. Individuals will not lose their volunteer status because they are reimbursed for the approximate out-of-pocket expenses incurred incidental to providing volunteer services (e.g. payment for cost of meals and transportation expenses). 5.10 The Service to Others Leave Program may not be used to promote religious beliefs. However, employees may support activities sponsored by religious organizations such as volunteering in soup kitchens, homeless shelters or other community activities. Employees may not distribute partisan political materials or participate in other partisan campaign activities under this leave program. Employees may not volunteer with non-profit organizations that engage in conduct that threatens the City’s interest in an efficient and disruption-free workplace. 5.11 The Service to Others Leave Program may be modified, suspended or terminated at the sole discretion of the City at any time, for any reason. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 The employee must complete the top-half of the STO Leave Request and Verification Form and submit it to the immediate supervisor with as much notice as possible, but at least one (1) week in advance before the date of the volunteer activity. Approval is at the discretion of the supervisor. 6.2 If denied, the STO Leave Request and Verification Form should be filed in the employee’s department file. The employee shall be notified of the denial and the business reasons underlying the decision. If approved, the employee’s immediate supervisor should record the number of hours approved into the timekeeping system. The approved form will be returned to the employee. 6.2 Individuals who have been granted time off under these arrangements must provide formal confirmation from the voluntary organization confirming their participation. The employee should bring the STO Leave Request and Verification Form with them when they perform their volunteer activities so that the non-profit organization can verify their activities. The signed verification of the employee’s volunteer service must be provided to the employee’s immediate supervisor before the pay period closes. It should include the nature and extent of their involvement and the timeframe spent volunteering. Failure to provide these details may result in the individual being required to use Paid Time Off to cover the period of absence and/or appropriate disciplinary action. 6.3 At the conclusion of the volunteer activities the fully completed STO Leave Request and Verification Form should then be filed in the employee’s department file.

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

F - Leaves of Absence


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