City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

should contact the P&C Employee Success Partner assigned to the department for guidance. 6.3 First Reminder An employee is provided the First Reminder form (in writing) when the employee is failing to meet the City’s and departmental expectations for behavior(s) and/or performance. Generally, a First Reminder is provided after feedback has been given to the employee with no continued or limited improvement. Depending on what occurred, feedback may be skipped in some circumstances and a supervisor may provide the employee a First Reminder or any other discipline. Departments are required to contact the P&C Employee Success Partner assigned to the department for guidance before initiating this or any other discipline. The ESP can assist departments with drafting the First Reminder form upon request and must “sign-off” on the First Reminder before it is provided to the employee. 6.4 Final Reminder Should the employee continue to not meet the expectations of the job or engage in problematic behavior(s) after a First Reminder, (or if this step is skipped depending on what occurred), the supervisor or manager will meet with the employee and provide the employee with the completed Final Reminder form which mentions the previous First Reminder (if provided) and lists what occurred; the expectations; and what immediate action(s) the employee needs to take to meet the expectations. Supervisors and/or managers should contact the P&C Employee Success Partner assigned to the department for guidance before meeting with the employee. The P&C Employee Success Partner can assist the department with drafting the Final Reminder and will need to sign-off on the document before it is provided to the employee. 6.5 Critical Decision Should the employee not meet the performance and behavior expectations after feedback and Reminders (if provided), the supervisor or manager meets with the employee to discuss a Critical Decision process. The employee may be provided a Critical Decision Memo at the department’s discretion which outlines why the employee is entering this process and next steps. Generally, the employee is provided paid time off to reflect and determine whether the employee wants to continue City employment. The department will also use this time to decide on whether the employee will continue in this position. The employee and the supervisor will meet again on a date and time to be determined to discuss the employee’s future employment with the City. Should the employee not want to continue employment with the City, the employee will submit a resignation in writing effective immediately. If the employee wants to continue employment, the employee should be prepared to discuss an Action Plan (verbal or in writing) with the supervisor or manager to correct the problematic performance and/or behavior. The employee will discuss the specific actions the employee will take to correct the performance and/or behavior moving forward so these issues will not recur in the future. Both the employee and supervisor or manager will mutually decide whether

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

H - Employee Success Partnership


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