City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G the employee will continue employment with the City. Should the department believe the employee has been given ample opportunity previously to improve the employee’s performance and/or behavior, the department may decide to dismiss the employee. See the Dismissal Letter Template . Supervisors or managers must contact the P&C Employee Success Partner assigned to the department before the Critical Decision process and/or dismissing an employee. Should both the Department and employee mutually decide to continue the employment relationship, an Employee Commitment Agreement will be completed and sign by both the employee and supervisor/manager along with the P&C Employee Success Partner assigned to that department. 6.6 Resignation As stated previously, at-will employment means the employee may resign with or without notice. Should an employee want to resign, the employee should submit a resignation in writing. The departmental representative in receipt of the resignation should notify the Department Director, affected supervisor and manager, departmental P&C Rep, Business Partner or Benefits Assistant, and the P&C Employee Success Partner assigned to the department. (See the Resignation policy on page 61 for more information.) 6.7 Dismissal As mentioned previously, there may be circumstances when an employee has violated performance and/or behavior expectations that warrant immediate dismissal without going through the various progressive steps outlined in this Discipline & Expectations Policy. The employee will be notified in writing of the reasons for the dismissal (see the Dismissal Letter Template ). Otherwise, when a supervisor or manager, with agreement from the Department Director, decides to dismiss an employee after the Critical Decision process, the supervisor or manager should complete the Dismissal Letter Template with the reasons for the dismissal, and any associated discipline implemented previously, and have it reviewed by the P&C Employee Success Partner assigned to the department. Once finalized and agreed upon by the parties mentioned above, the supervisor or manager should meet with the employee and provide the Dismissal Letter along with the Employee Separation Assistance Resources document and Appeals of Dismissal . There may be times at the department’s discretion that the dismissal letter will be mailed to the employee versus meeting with the employee face to-face. Should the department choose this option, the supervisor or manager should call the employee to advise the employee of the dismissal and that a letter will be mailed outlining the reasons for the dismissal. The City Manager, Assistant City Managers, Department Directors or designee, and the P&C Director are the only positions authorized to approve the dismissal of an employee. 6.8 Appeals of Dismissal Employees may not appeal any Reminders, Paid Administrative Leave, or the Critical Decision process under this policy. Employees may appeal dismissals according to the process as outlined

H - Employee Success Partnership


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