City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G 6.10 Each department will ensure that employees report vehicle accidents to supervisors, local law enforcement, and Equipment Services personnel. See appendix document, Vehicle Collisions unit but must comply with this and other City policies. Copies of departmental rules must be filed with the P&C Safety and Health Manager. 6.2 Departments with the assistance of the P&C Department will obtain and check the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) record of all new drivers prior to their assignment. 6.3 Departments will be responsible for determining eligibility for drivers in their department. Determination of eligibility should include the driver’s Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) record, experience, and collision history. 6.4 Each department will ensure its drivers receive the necessary driver training, policies, and other necessary information regarding driving before the employee operates a vehicle. See appendix document, Safe Driving . 6.5 For all City of Greensboro employees, Departments will maintain current driver files with information defined in the Employee Driving File under Section 4.0 Definitions. Employee Driving Files must be kept separate from personnel files and must be secured at all times. 6.6 Departments with the assistance of P&C will obtain the current driving record of every employee in a position that requires the possession of a driver’s license. The department will verify and update current departmental employee driving files. 6.7 Departments will make a visual check at least once annually to ensure that each employee possesses a valid license. Employees who have expired, revoked or suspended licenses will NOT be allowed to operate and/or drive City vehicles. Employees should notify their supervisors within two (2) business days of any traffic violations or other legal actions against them per Policy B-9, 6.2 Procedures for Active Employees (page 46). 6.8 Department Directors and authorized vehicle operators are responsible for adhering to policy and procedures pertinent to the utilization of vehicles in the conduct of official business including: Ensuring compliance with City rules and regulations with regard to the pre-trip inspections, operation, care, and maintenance of vehicles (see the equipment services). Ensuring that employees maintain the proper operator license and comply with all Federal, State, and local laws relating to the operation of motor vehicles. Ensuring that employees maintain the minimum insurance requirements while using privately owned vehicles in the conduct of official business as required by the Insurance Advisory. 6.9 Each department will ensure the proper authority has been obtained prior to operating a vehicle on City business, outside the City limits or for intermittent overnight custody. See the appendix document, Take Home Vehicles on page 435.

J - Employee Safety & OHSA


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