City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

clean and well groomed. Employees will be asked to remove any unhygienic animals (such as animals that are flea-infested, foul-smelling, or inadequately groomed) from the workplace. 5.5 Employees must ensure that the service animal is housebroken. In the event of an isolated incident of an animal failing to control its bodily eliminations due to illness or accident, the employee is responsible for immediately and properly cleaning up and disposing of any bodily fluids or solid waste from the animal whether indoors or outdoors. The employee must also ensure that all solid waste is properly pickup and disposed of when it occurs in any outdoor areas of City property. Employees should not rely on any other person or employee for its keep. 5.6 Proper clean-up will depend on the specific circumstance but includes at a minimum physical removal of any liquid and solid wastes, and disposal of the same and the cleaning materials used securely in a plastic bag which is to be deposited in an outdoor waste container. To this end, the employee responsible for the animal should have in their possession at all times when accompanied by their animal appropriate and sufficient cleaning materials and disposal bags. In the event the employee’s animal causes damage to City property or facilities, the employee may be held responsible for the cost of repair. 5.7 In the case of any incident involving injury to a person by the employee’s animal, the employee responsible for the animal should make an immediate report to their supervisor so that the incident can be properly investigated and documented. The employee responsible for the animal shall also fully comply with any state or local law or regulation requiring additional reports to other government agencies that may be required due to the physical injury caused by the employee’s animal. Other employees must obtain permission from the owner before interacting with the animal. 5.8 The City of Greensboro may, at its discretion, require animal owner to maintain a liability insurance policy covering damage or injuries caused by the animal while at the office. The City may specify minimum coverage amounts under such a policy, and may require the owner to pay for such coverage. The City of Greensboro shall not be liable for loss of, or injury to, any animal brought to the office. Any individual with a grievance regarding an animal at the office should bring the matter to the attention of the owner’s immediate supervisor. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 An employee wishing to bring a service animal to the workplace should first obtain written permission from their department supervisor. 6.2 To obtain permission you must provide your supervisor with a tag issued by the state Health and Human Services Department. 6.3 An alternative to providing this tag is showing proof that your animal has been trained as a service animal.

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

J - Employee Safety & OHSA


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