City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Appendix Document: Handicapped Parking Procedures Effective Date: 01-01-2011 Revisions: 4 Pages: 1 Policies Referenced: B-19 T hese procedures will be used for short-term, long-term or permanent disabilities that hinder the mobility of the employee. 1. An employee needing accommodation for parking should contact City Medical Services to describe the employee’s situation and to provide permission to receive relevant information from the employee’s doctor(s). 2. City Medical Services will conduct a thorough assessment of the physical condition of the employee including any limitations of mobility. 3. The employee must have obtained a handicap placard and/or license tag issued by the State of North Carolina for the employee’s personal vehicle except in the case of a short-term or limited disability. 4. After completing an assessment, Medical Services will report to the Parking Operations Manager the nature and degree of mobility impairment and expected duration of any physical limitations that should be accommodated. To ensure confidentiality, the nature of the employee’s disability, disease or condition will not be provided. 5. The Medical Services Supervisor will contact the Parking Operations Manager and jointly determine the parking needs of each individual based on the parking options that are available. 6. The cost of parking will be handled through payroll deduction where the parking subsidy applies to benefit-eligible employees whose work location is in the downtown area per City Policy B-19, Employee Parking (page 80) .

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G



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