City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Example 1) An employee has a first accident and is given a traffic ticket for racing. Even though this is the first accident the department may decide to terminate the employee or severely discipline the employee for a blatant disregard for the employee’s and the public’s human life, abuse of City property and failure to follow safety protocols. This may also be the case if an employee is texting or engaging in another prohibited behavior while driving. Example 2) A long term employee with a good driving record that drives a lot of miles in City business slides on black ice and strikes the vehicle ahead of him. A supervisor after gathering facts from an investigation and safety personnel may determine that this accident is not reasonably preventable based on the accident facts and drivers abilities since the driver is required to operate the vehicle under these conditions. If the same driver was operating without chains that have been provided then the driver may receive a disciplinary action to remain in the employee’s personnel file. Future behavior that indicates a pattern of refusal to follow City policies would be considered along with this warning to determine what disciplinary action should be taken. Vehicle and equipment incidents will remain active on an employees’ driving record. If there is a pattern of abuse, all incidents on the employee’s record will be reviewed and taken into account. When damage occurs to equipment/vehicles, depending upon the circumstances, disciplinary action may take place. However, if unreported damage to equipment is discovered, disciplinary action may be much more severe than if the damage had been reported. Since it is impossible to meet all the needs of each operating unit with a single policy, these standards provide necessary minimum administrative actions.

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G



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