News Scrapbook 1988

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir . D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840) 2 8 1 88

Los Angeles, CA (Los 4ngeles Co) Times (San Diego Ed.) (Cir. D 50,010) (Cir. S 55,573)

A 3 1988

Jlll-,, '• , c a

r. 11

1111 / Gaels give USD 5th straight loss By Ric Bucher 'I °-1 L( . . . :1 r, Wrilt-r I for him 1mha1ly."


Esr. 1888

P. C. B

USDGets First Victory in C~nference Play, 66-61 Mar~ s-- f Y unn, who spent the first

M~nn said. "'It's usuaJJy a good sign en I miss all of my shots during th e warmup, and I did that before 1sgame." Mike Haupt, USD's starting for- ward, InJured his right knee early m the second half and had to be carried \rom the floor. The extent ofHaupt s IDJury was not known With Haupt out, Efrem Leon- a~dhm his first significant action ~4 t e conference season-scored pomts m 29 minutes Aft wmnmg ta . · er f a s rtmg Job m noncon- ere~ce play, Leonard had played sparingly because of an mJured left ankle. St.Ut~/~d. 31-25, at halftime, but 16 y s 01-6, 3-3) went on a L -3_run to start the second half Al e_w1s, who Jed the Gaels with. 16 ~OmL~. hit a pair of three-pointers unng the run and St. Mary's held a 41-34 lead with 11,.32 remai~mg t But Munn hit a 12-foot bank sh~t o start a 12-0 run for USD.

ive g~mes of the West Coast A thlet1c Conference basketball season ma slump scored 24 . S t d • pomts a ur ay night to lead the u t fS . mver- Y oan Drego to its first confer--- ence victory, 66-61 over St Ma ' m front of 1855 at' cKeo. p ry s · • ' n av1l- ion mMoraga. a :unn was 9 of 16 from the floor ti ~t 6 of 10 three-pointers for e oreros (9-10, 1-5). Munn made, only l of 10 shots in St rary 8 41-40 victory over USD i~ a.? Dieg~ Wednesday night. Marty s a pure shooter " USO Coach Hank Egan ";d "H, , h t '"'· este ype of player who :an get on a roll Hopefully, he's out of his slump" · Munn averaged 16.7 points. er g~me before conference play stfrt. ;at~ has struggled smce. Before f ay, he had been in double igures only once, a IO-point effort ag~mSl San Francisco last week My shooting's real ment;J,"

On most mghts, Munn still would have been an ace ptable alternative ~hat with him being the team's lead~ mg scorer. Last night, however, he wa · l·for-9 when he took the poten- tial winner, and his hot bounced high off the rim with about five ec- onds left. t Mary's center Dan Curry slapped the ball out t the top of the key, where Means gave it the final heave. "I've hit a lot ot la t- econd-shots and a lot of them to win games,: Munn ld. "I thought that one wouid go." Munn tarted hi college basket- ball car er with th Gael', playing three am a a fr an before qu1ttrng. A ed If mg some of his former teammate· might have af- fected hi hooting, Munn said: "I wa nervou., that was for sure But m warmup · I missed three shots, and I took about 80." Means took no solace in sconng his a on high. "Evidently, I ran the wrong playt Means said. Asked what play the Torero had hoped to run, Coach Hank Egan said "What we d tgncd. nobody ran, so it doesn't make much difference." USD led, 14-12, midway through the first half, but St. Mary's finished with four straight three-pointers to take a 21-16 halftime lead. The pace was expected to be slow and the core low becau e St. Mary's hkes 11 that way USO, with two sen- ior· and seven freshmen on its 13- man roster, doesn't have the experi- ence to dictate the pace to many teams.

Mission Valley, CA (San Diego Co) San Diego Weekly News (Cir. 2XM 20,000}

AN 27


P. C. B

Est. 1888

. January 28-Author. actress May~ Ang~lou 1 s scheduled lo . Luth K speak in memory of Martin 7·30 er ,Ing, Jr at U~s Cam,no Theatre at P m nfo. 260-4682 '). 9.

Keith Martin (42) of St M




The an Diego Union James Skovmand

· ary s goes over Keith Colvin and Danny Means (middle) for a ·



San Diego, CA (S,m (?ieyo Co.) Sil!) Diego Union (Cir . D. 217 089) (Ci r. S. 341,840) JAN 1 O1S88


P C 8 ' •

f. .11


families. Call the church for infor- mation. • Rabbi Ron Herstik of Congrega- tion Dor Hadash will discuss Recon- structionist Judaism at 10:30 a.m. to- morrow at the M. Larry Lawrence Jewish Community Center in La Jolla. ASunday brunch is being host- ed by congregation members. • Avideo tape and discussion of a recent Oprah Winfrey Show on New Age teachings will be presented at 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the Pacific Beach Middle School Auditorium. The program is being sponsored by the Church of Today. • Reservations may be made through Thursday for a course on "Fundamentalism: A Quest for What?" at the University of San Diego. Rev. Robert Kress, chairman of the Department of Religious Stud- ies, will teach the course at 7 p.m. Feb. 9 and 11 for the university's In- stitute for Christian Ministries. • Marvie Coim, professor of mis- sions at Westminster Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania, will speak at New Life Orthodox Presby- terian Church at 7 p.m. tomorrow. He serves in urban ministry in Phila- delphia's inner-city. The New Life Church is on Valeta Street next to the Peninsula YMCA. • The Rev. Al Houghton will speak at three services tomorrow, 10 a.m. and 2:30 and 6 p.m., at the Emmanuel Christian Center meeting in the Scot- tish Rite Center. East Jericho Road Baptist Church in La Mesa will celebrate its 25th anniver- sary from 9:30 a.m. tomorrow through a 2 p.m. service. Founding pastor Guy Godfrey and the Rev. Harold Sholes, a former pastor, will speak. Music, displays and a potluck dinner are planned. • Teaching of the Inner Christ will hold a class in Inner Sensitivity Training from 7 to 10 p.m. Monday evenings beginning Feb. 9. To regis- ter, call the International Center in Lemon Grove.

• Terry Clark will give a concert at 7 p.m. tomorrow at the Harvest ' Chnstian Fellowship in Lalreside. • The Chapel of the Valley MethJ 1 odist Church will hold a rummage • sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and from 9 a.m. to noon next Saturday. , The church is on East Madison Street in El Cajon. North I The Agape Singers will perform "Time Out-A Musical Celebration" at ' 7 p.m. Friday at Solana Beach Pres.' byterian Church. The program for 1 families will be held m the church ·s' Debin Hall. • Camino Real Bilingual Church will begin Sunday services at 10 a.m tomorrow at the North Santa Fe Ele- mentary School in Vista. The minis- try will be led by Pastor Hector Cedillo, a former wrestler with Ath- letes mAction and a graduate of Tal- bot Seminary. The church is spqnsored by the Church Resource Ministries and is I affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America. • Congregation Betb Am will hold its family service at 7:30 p.m. Friday. The youth of i)le Jewish Learning Center will present the play "Why a Hero?" at 12:30 p.m. on Feb. 7 at the synagogue in Solana Beach. 1 • Ken Ham of the Institute for Creation Research will discuss ere- 1 ation and evolution at 9:30 a.m. to- I morrow at Calvary Chapel of Poway. • Solana Beach Presbyterian 1 Church will sponsor two discussion 1 groups as part of the national For- • e!gn Policy Association's Great Dec1 I s10ns Program. This year's topics in- • elude U.S.-Mexico relations, trade 1 and global markets; Gorbachev's re- : forms, the Middle East and the fu- 1 ture of Korea. : Eight meetings will be held in morning and evening sessions. The morning group will hold its first meetmg at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, and the evening grour at 7:30 p.m. Thursday A study booklet may be purchased through the church office for $7. /l

By Rita Gillmon Starr Writer

Religion News ... in brief • St. Rita's Catholic Church and Christ the King Catholic Church are co-h ting the annual Afro-American ReVlvial next week. Meetings will be held at 7 p.m. at St. Rita's Monday to Thursday and at Christ the King Friday. The Rev. Ray East, former member of St. Rita'· and now a soc1ate pastor of St. Cyprian-Holy Comforter Catholic Church in Washington, D.C., will be the celebrant. Friday's Mass will in- clude healing prayer. The program Is sponsored by the Diocesan Black Catholic Commis- sion. • The Rev. Ellis Casson, pastor of el ·can Methodist Episcopal Church will speak on "Better Race Relations Begin Within: Are You Ready?" at 10 a.m. Friday at Univer- . ty Christian Church on Cleveland Street. The program is a forum of Church Women United. • Bishop Leo T. Maher of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego pre ented Diocesan Christian Unity Awards to three individuals for their work in ecumenism. The ceremony took place on the University of San Diego Campus last week where honors were given to Monsignor Peter Mimnagh, pastor of SL Vincent de Paul Church; William Henrich, attorney and a member of Ble~sed Sacrament Church, and the Rev. Frank McGuire, rector of Good Shepherd Ep1. copal Church in Boni- ta. Miron gh ha been active in an Aventures in Faith program with other churches in Mission Hills, McGuire has promoted a St. Pa- trick's Day prayer for peace in Ire- land and participated in Anglican- Cathohc dialogue in San Diego. Hen- rich has chaired the board of the Mid-city Chri tian Service Agency, an ecumenical network serving the poor.

February 1s Black H1 tory ~onth, and everal churches will have pro- grams emphasizrng the role of churches in the black community Bayview BapttSt Church will cele- brate It 25th anniversary this year and has planned programs emphasiz- ing the role of the church in black history. Cultural events and historical dis- plays are planned. Henry M. Mitchell, former dean of the Virginia Umon University School of Theology, will present a sermon serie , "The Spmtual Significance of Black Self•Esteem," which will begin at th 11 a.m. service tomorrow and continue at 7 p.m. tomorrow through dnesday. Benjamin J. Hooks, director of the altonal Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People, will speak at 7 p.m. Feb. 28 at the church. lawyer, banker and minister Hook re 1gn d a a member of the Federal Communication Commis- 1on to head the AACP • A recept10n will be held at 7 p.m today for the Rev. Harold M. Heath Jr at Linda Vi ta Pre byterian Church He i retiring after 17 year a p tor He has been a l'resbytenan minis- ter for 32 year and I a graduate of McCormick Scrminary in Chicago. lie has b n ctive in the San Diego Pr byt ry, erv d a pre 1dent of th n 01 go County Ecumenical Conference and chairman of ii So- cial n n ,ommittee. He ha also erved a. vice pr 1- dent of th bo rll of Plann d Parent- hood of San Diego and River ·ide Counh s He has been th clergy rep- resentativ on the M dical Ethics Committ at the Sharp Ho pitals and a member of th San Di go Op ra horu H ath 1 11 doctoral candidate in coun ehng p ychology at San Diego's Profe 10nal School of Psychological Studt .

Henry M. Mitchell Speaks on black self-esteem

The Rev. Harold M. Heath Retiring from the church

• The Rev. Joe Carron, director of the St. Vincent de Paul Joan Kroc Center, will be the subject of a Uni- versity of San Diego High School ce- lebrity roast next Saturday at the Town and Country Hotel's Mission Ballroom. Proceeds from the benefit dinner will be shared between the high school scholarship fund and the cen- ter serving the homeless. Call the high school for information. • Point Loma Nazarene College will host the 15th Annual Church Music Conference next Saturday on the campus. • The San Diego Moravian Fellow- ship will show a video of the 1987 Music Festival held in Canada at 3 p.m. Feb. 7 at First Presbyterian Church. • The First Unitarian Church will present a Musical Extravaganza to benefit the church's piano fund at 7:30 p.m. today at the meeting house. Cecil Lytle, George Svoboda, the Clarion Trumpert Ensemble, Bac- chanale Baroque and others will per- form. • Diane Brmggold Brown, author and lecturer, will lead a weekend seminar on evangelism Friday through Feb. 7 at St. James-by-the- Sea Episcopal Church. The program

wil begin at 7 p.m. Friday and con- tinue at 9 a.m. next Saturday. • Ballet Magnificat will appear at the Restoration Temple at 10:15 a.m. and 6 p.m. tomorrow in works includ- ing "In Celebration of Creation" and "The Calling." Kathy Thibodeaux, formerly with Ballet Mississippi, is the director of the company. • A two-part program on World Federalism will be presented at the First Unitarian Church. Retired U.S. Air Force Capt. Tom Hudgens will speak at 7 p.m. Thursday, and Ted R. Leutzinger, regional director of the World Federalist Association, will speak at 7 p.m. March 10. The program is sponsored by the San Diego Chapter of the association and the Social Responsibility Com- mittee of the church. • Rabbi Wayne Dosick is teaching a course on Jewish faith and practice at the University of San Diei:o begin- ning this week. For information about enrollment call the university. The course is sponsored by the Jew- ish Chautauqua Society. • Tierrasanta Christian Church will hold a community dinner at 5 p.m Friday. It is one in a series of monthly programs planned to intro- duce neighbors to each other and af- ford a reasonable evening out for·

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