News Scrapbook 1988

Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Col Times (Sa n Diego Ed.) (Cir. D 50 ,010) (Cir. S 55 ,573) O

29 1988

San Oiego, CA (San Oicgo _Co.) Evening Tnbunc !Cir. o. 123,064) OFC 29 1988

Jl(/.,,. '•

P. C. B f.,r. I an Diego County orth-Texas eatµJSD in 1cjvertime By JIM LINDGREN

._Alic,.• , c. 11

Fi,. , ua • Technically speaking, USD loses last chance ,,.,. e discrepancy on :::, "There w~s om senior start- the call," a, 1 .t!;!~~n~~~plained that Ing gua~d II ·t 1·m not sure if we d1dn t ca 1 · w " did or not. M , brother, sopho- However, u:ivln Means, con- more guaf d t a cal\ed hrm d that a ttmeou nwGales, he de- As for the outspokecont ted, non- nbcd th closely USD as "all luck conference wm ove,rt got no talent on '-Acau ewe am · ""' tall." . thi t am, none at exaggeration but, Gal I prone o,ssmg 6-8 forward truth is, h wa mwho had been the K nn e organ, bound r until h Eagl ' l admg red m1c SU pension Pl ed on aca wa hts game belor la t n~g th first nin points ft r scormg th Texas held the of the gam •dwo:y through the sec- I d until mt USD took a 59-58 ond half, wt:nt the two teams ex- dg . Alter a , d two-point le d changed on~- an wound up 70-70 until r gulat1on Yia/) wa led by 5-9 North Texas \ • ho led all guard Deo~ 2 ~u;i~~- Guard Ricky cor v, it h d 18 For USD, Dondt Kobcrtson a I ts and eight re- Bell had 18 po\ hit only 6-ol-10 bound However, e USD made A team. fr throv; . t (19-ol-30) from the only 63 per~en N rth Tex hit 76 Ir throw line 0 percent (16-ol-21). th Texas which l,ast ason, ~r its chool name recently change State University from Norths;~h~!nd Conference but _ won th u . the first round of went on to lose 1~ment to North Ca• the CAA Tourn rohna . USD (-l 5) faces

SAN DIEGO-Andrien Choplick, a 6-foot 9-inch backup center for the Umversity of North Texas. hit a 10-foot bank shot with 2 seconds remammg in overtime Wednesday to give the Eagles a 79-77 lead over the University of San Diego. As tlie shot wenl throl.lgh, USO called timeout but had none re- maining. A technical foul was called on the USD bench, and Choplick hit both free throws to make the final score 81-77. The loss was USD's third in a row after two on the road last week. The Torero.~ fell to • -5 and under 500 for the first lime this season. North Texas (3-5) won for: the first time since Dec. 8 after losmg three ma row. USD trailed for most of the game and was behind, 70-67, with 1 mmute 31 seconds left m regula- tion But USD"s Craig Cottrell (8 pmnLq) sent the game mto over- time with a turnaround 6-footjump shot and en umg free throw. !forth Texas call d three timeouts m the fmal 38 seconds but came. away empty when Ucon Hunters_ 10- footer went off the glass and rim at the buzz r. h·t In overtime, Kelvin Means I a 17-foot Jumper to give the Toreros the early lead, but _ a Wendell W1lhams layup and Ricky Robert- son free throw gave the Eagles the ~.TI-7~ d An exchange of field goals an free thro\\ 8 durmg the next 31/2 minutes I ft orth Texa5 m front, 77_73_ D's Gylan Dottin th~n mad 1 of 2 free thro\\ sand Kelvm Me ms hit the front end of a 1 and- I lo tic the game. Mean ' com! free throw was rebounded t,y orth Texas, which kl ked the ball upcourt and made t\\o passes before Chophck sank the game winner . For a team with a 3-game tosmg streak and hooting Just 37% com- mg m, the North Texas started hot. The Eagl s controlled the open- mg tip and most of the. first half, scoring the first 7 points on a 3 pointer by Robertson and Jump shots by Hunter and Williams. . Hunter cored 19 of game-high

Tomorrow nigh\ Poughkeep ie. Man t Collegse ols Center Game N y , al the por tim I 7:30.

F r

........______!!;~'=AN I


I Times

USD s Keith Colvin dunng fnst half.

, W

dell Williams tries to steal rebound from

North Texas


ward but said, "I can't com:nent n tho~e things." North Texas C ~h..I.ii.lJ

25 pumts in the fir t hall and Robertson had 12 of his 18, as orth 1 exas opened a 45-39 half· lime lead. It was the most pomts USD had allowed m the first half this season. But the second half belonged mostly lo USD, whose defense held the Eagles to 25 points, the lowest again•t I he Toreros this season.. Danny Means led USD's scormg with 9 points in e< half and 1 m

overtm po nts for 19. Dn:d1 Dell h~d 18 d 8 reboun •. and Gylan Dottm cored 14. Both teams had 9 foul~ in the first' half orth Texas made 5 of its 6 free' throws, and l.iSD converted just 8 of 14 (57% ). For the game, North Texas made 16 of 21 (76%) and USD 19of30 (63%). . Play m the game was physical, and USD Coach Hank ~gan seemed u set about the off1c1atmg after-

went fu, ,her, E subJect for se_v even menuomn, "I've never officiatmg," he both ways. The. these people."

Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co .) Los Angeles Daily J ournal (Cir. 5 x \IV . 21,287 ) DEC 29 1988 .Jl[l~,. •• P. C. B 1-<1

: Means score


19,Bel 18 in overtime loss to North Texas


I )' Yif,,;-' Tax Law New!an ·Guccione





8 m the first 1x mm 1 c

Hunt r a 5-9 mor, led all score with 25 Ricky Rob rtson cored 18, and cent r Wendell

t1vcly contain Hunter and several other quick UNT guards Bell, Dottin and Danny Means had

USO pulled 1thm 18-17 and 22-20 during the h If but couldn't effcc- _./

n n pornt:. apiece for USD m the half North Texas State plays UCLA to- -~~--~

morrow night in Los Angeles. L'SD 1s at home tomorrow night agains~ Marist College. !

• n Checkoff Disputed .


Tax Return Campatg · f Proposition 68, Despite the June passaf~~ checkoff on which provided for a C vompaign Refonn Fund state tax retumS for a afinancing checkoff on similar to the campai~ state Income tax federal Income tax re t •·thoutthatoption. fonns are beingmailed~us~ento and S8;11 At least two battles t to override a F81J' Diego courts have Cu~sion decision th!-t . Political Practices o roved by voters in Proposition 73, also aii~on 68 because it re- June overrides Propo rt iv~d greater voter suppo lier this year that ce The commis~ion ruledthe:ruse of public ~!15 Proposition 73 s campaigns prohibits to finance state po Proposition 68's Cam- Fund provision The Campaign Reform rs to make volun- would have allowed ~ ce election can:; tarY $3 donations kin box on their sta paigrui simply by m~ asg:etailed in Proposl- 1 tax returns. The trlhuted as matching funds I tion 68, would bl; dis candidates meeting overall to state legislati~ limits. campaign expenditure ed ln Proposition 68 to The fund was p~postions from candidates' encourage ~~ci:":i combat the comm~ legislative fin ing state campaigns liti practice of. Sacramento-based po · large donations . m cal action conurutteC. urt has ruled that~- The U.S. Supreme otations are unconstitu- paign expenditure ~ates are eligible for tional unI1:ss can lliro gh an outside source, funding asstStance u like the prop?seid ~~~clsion to Interpret hthe The comnuss ?n 8 • ublic funds .as voluntary contrib_utio~~ifns of Proposition wiped out the m9Jor funds' backers. 68, according ~o th~blic Interest Law at tthhe The Center ,or has challenged e the establishment ; aign Reform Fun · P University of S~ D~~ng that voluntarY commission ruling,thro gh a taxpayer's annu• contributions mad~ cl1uucally public funds. al tax returns arenm~~ourt on Dec. 15, orderetda The.§.tate upre ~eal to gran the 4th bhiti fut l,-oarl ellate court had hearing on the 1s~ue. a writ of man- denied the center s req tion to intervene from date and rejected a mo Common Cause. the public lntereS t h~~~ce filed its own ia;- Common Caus 7 Court of Appeal, ch · suit in the 3rd ~1.stri~S's ban on the use of lenging Propos ti;ance state political cam- public funds to ·ts are pending. palgns. Both lawsw Board has been cau• The Franchise T~ Public Interest Law to tioned by th? ~::r 1: 88 income tax=:~ postpone pnn .th the Proposition 61! th to print them U: is resolved, according to e until the ma Robert Fellmeth. center's director, . ~parable hann The center mainta nsthe Campaign Refonn will result by denying din If the matter Is not Fund its first-yeaf sai~ center attorney Ju- tmmedlately reso ve ' lie D'Ang~lo.Political Practices Cow'1:!1~~ The F81J' hise Tax Board have un Ute and th!l-~fu Sau Diego superior ~jr::.31 to to respon ult The center has un center's laws · will be set later• th reply. A trial date hich is represented by ed The tax board, w Off!. has already state G ral's ce, dings Attorney ene tral in the procee .




that It will remain n~• •

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