News Scrapbook 1988

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,092)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 123,092) JUN t

JUN 11 1988


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I , 1888 CHURCH ROUNDUP Filipino prelate to celebrate Mass at USD stadium -2..'(55"


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spirituality with a talk June 21-23 on "Thomas Merton and Centering Prayer" at the University of San Diego's Manchester Conference Cen- ter. The series will include presenta- tions on "Ecclesiology: Questions on Ministry," by Bishop Kenneth Un tencr of Saginaw, Mich., on July 18, "'Opposmg Nuclear Deterrence," by Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit on July 20; "Spirituality and Ministry, ' by Coadjutor Bishop Thomas Murphy of Seattle on July 25-26; and "Racial Justice," by Auxi- liary Bishop Carl Fisher of Los Ange- les on July 27 All programs arc at USD and begin at 7 pm. Jackie

Roman Catholic Cardinal Jaime Sin of Manila will celebrate a Mass at 4 p.m. next Saturday at..t!!LlJni- versity of San Diefo stadium as pa~ t of a pa toral v1s1 to the estimated 80,000 Filipino Catholics in the San Diego Catholic Diocese. The Mass will be followed by a $SO-per-person dinner at 7:30 p.m. at the Marriott Hotel, 33 W Harbor Drive, sponsored by San Diego Bishop Leo Maher and PUSO, a Filipino charitable organi- zation. Proceeds go to PUSO. The Rev. Basil Pennington, a Cistercian priest and author, will begin a summer lecture series on

Freiberg at 260-4644 •is handlmg reg- istration. Beth Jacob Congregation will host a weekend retreat June 17-19 for par- ticipants to experience Torah living and learnmg with Rabbi Benjamin Blech of Young Israel in Oceanside, N.Y., as scholar-m-rc:1dence. The retreat will feature several presenta- tions and discussions and will mclude meals. Dr. Jerome Lund will present "The Action Seminar: Removing the Blocks Between You and Your Goals," at 12:30 p.m. June 19 at Christ Church Unity, 3770 Altadena Ave. The suggested donation is $15. A $2 brunch will be available. Dr. Walter Kaiser, professor of Semitic languages and the Old Testa- ment and academic dean at Trinity Evangehcal Uivinity School in Deer- field, Ill., will begin a series of meet- ings on "Rejuvenation of the Faith From an Old Testament Perspec- tive;" 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m., June 26, Chula Vista Evangelical Free Church, 795 E. J Street, Chula Vista. Other meetings at 7 p.m. June 27-28. Soprano Mary-Esther Nicola-Peck,

mezzo soprano Patricia McAfee, tenor Joseph Carson and baritone Martin Wright will present a concert of sacred and operatic works at 4 p.m. tomorrow at La Jolla Presbyte- rian Church, 7715 Draper Ave. The Rev. Melville Willard, stated clerk of the San Diego Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), has accepted a position as administrator of Presbynet, the church's computer resource network in Louisville, Ky. High school science teacher John Clayton of South Bend. Ind., a former atheist, will speak at 7:30 p.m. today at Mission Bay High School, 2475 Grand Ave., under auspices of the Pacific Beach Church of Christ. The approximately 30-voice Phoe- nix Girls Chorus will perform at 7 p.m. tonight at Central Christian Church, 201 Fir St. p~n~,~~L~~•rone,ndJen nifer Gregoroff of San Marcos; ter of Escondido; Jeri Koepp of Ramona; Cami Allen, Laureen Duarte, Candy Hoag, Erica Leigh and Lisa Stamper of Orange Glen; Lynell Stokes and Jennifer George of Poway; and Erin Davis and Tra- cy Stowe of Mt. Carmel. The series stands 2-2. 3A vs. 2A: First baseman Andy baseman Bill McElroy will be playing their linal prep game game Saturday at 1 p.m. at USD in the annual County All-Star Game. Martin and McElroy will be playing for the 2A while Ron Kelly and Joe Brownholtz of Mt. Car- mel, Fallbrook's Jeff Lawrence and Poway's John Youngkin and Steve Wrenn play for the 3A. With the format changed from City vs. County to 3A vs. 2A, Es- condido Coach Bill Kutzner will take the 2A team and Fallbrook's Dave Heid the 3A squad. Palomar vs. Avocado: The annual baseball all-star game i~ scheduled for next Thursday at 6 p.m. at Escondido, and it matches senior stars from the two leagues. Ranked: After the regular sea- son, San Pasqual was rated 10th in the 2A softball poll by Cal-Hi. Un- fortunately, the Eagles, who were 21-3 then, lost in their first pos- Honored: A number of the stars from this past school year will be honored 'Tuesday at the Spring tseason game. ballroom of the Cafe de! Rey Mor- Padres broadcaster Bob Chan-

Escondido, CA) (San Diego Co. Times Advocate (Cir. D. 32,195) (Cir. S. 34,568) JU 2 1988

Tribune pbotos by Dana Fisher -----------,

in prayer at Tijuana' Bullring by tbe Sea, where about 20,000 people gathered

le d oth r nun

tuther Ter

Mother Teresa gets rousing welcome at or 20,000 in Tij na bullring again," said 16-y ar-old Luz Gonzalez Diaz ''It's a great fortune for us that she visits us. It's as 1f she were the pope." On the bullring floor, the six dozen priests assem• bit'


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~h~So~rf...~~dnick may be ~~~h'~"!.. ing that Lori Becker and Gary Prep Sadnick will not be back next year as coaches at San Pasqual High Notes

San Pasqual topped this year

with 12. Poway and Mt. Carmel Michelle Varney and Denise Cles-

were next at 11 each. San Marcos had 10, Escondido, Orange Glen and Fallbrook six apiece, Ramona five, Rancho Buena Vista four in its first vear and Vista two. Bad decision: Having the 3A CIF baseball semifinals at Gross- mont College was a huge mistake. The CIF lost ;i. lot of money hav- any seating, and quite a few paying fans were forced to stand up in the corners by the dugouts. By the time the first game, be tween Mt. Carmel and Helix, end- ed, there were more people lining the fence than there were paying Tuning up: The North County All Stars made their final tourna- customers. week field hockey tour of New Zea- land a profitable one. They won the high school divi- sion of the California Cup in Los Angeles, posting four wins before claiming the title with three sets of flickoffs in the finals. Goalie Shannon Small of Fall- brook stopped 11 of the 15 flickoffs a tempted by the Hawks, a team of all-stars from British Columbia. The North County All-Stars edged Moorpark 1-0 in the opener in a game marked by the ejection of a player and the coach from ounty also won the spring league in San Diego as well as the San Jose Indoor Tourna- ment. It begins play in New Zealand on July 1 and retu·rn on the 21st. East vs. West: The fifth annual East-West All-Star Softball Game is scheduled for Saturday at Kit Carson Park, starting at 7:30 p.m. San Pasqual's Mike Basalo is coaching the East and Regal is in charge of the West. There are 20 players on the East team, including six from Basalo's Eagles. The Er.Et team is made up of Er- in Welch, Julie Doria, Kris Kuhl- meyer, Angie Townsend, Jodi Wil- liams and Jennifer Gannon from Beach 3-1, the Roadrunners 3-0 and the Turtles 2-1 to reach the fi. nals. A" E h I d N rth C t 1mee sc e o oun y m scoring with four goals. C North

mumon to those tn the packed stadium also tned to capture the nun on film. At every pause or break m the Ma , one or more would crouch or bend over m front of the d1mmulive nun and snap her photo. Others gathered under clear blue skies in the ring overlooking the Pacific came seeking her example "She is the maximum of all the good I can see," said Manuel Soto, 28. "We came to see her because there is no one better for Hers is the best example that we Please ·ee TERESA. A-8, Col. 4



Becker coached the girls basket- ball team to the San Diego Section Division II championship in addi- tion to coaching girls and boys vol- leyball at Escondido. Sadnick coaches water polo at Escondido but handles boys swimming at San "The word is that the adminis- tration is not going to give its OK f~r them to coach over there next year," said a source who wished to remain anonymous. "They've had it too good at San Pasqual, taking the best coaches from Escondido. ''The principal (Escondido's ,Jackie Nichols) won't allow it to go The 6-foot-3, 290-pound Amitu- anai was the CIF Defensive Player o "''°" Year la t eason as a ·unior. • Hitting star: Mt. Carmel out- fielder Ron Kelly wound up tied for second in San Diego Section histo- ry with 128 career hits. Kelly, who had at least 40 hits in each of his three seasons, finished tied with former University second baseman Gar Millay, who had 128 hits in four years with the Dons. Jeff Gay of Santana tops the list Where's the finals: Not since 1980 have the Palomar and Avoca- with 135. Pasqual. nn any longer." Let's hope that's just a bad ru- mor. Preseason pick: Vista lineman College Tamasi Amituanai has been cho- sen by Cal-Hi Sports as a presea- football season.


ing it there because there is hardly Martin of Escondido and second

MOTHER TERESA Answers questions



By Terry Monahan{T-A Sportswriter

O C Ot . virtue and purity," she said. Mother Teresa last night fl_ew to San FranclSCO to take part m the blessing of her AIDS hospice there before leaving for New York.

. f 500 th t The San Diego crowd O 5 , 1979 Nobel Pnze winner at the Uni:versity of San Uleg o, while graciou 'warm.amt ob- a li tened to th

has more tnan :Sl>U nouses tor tne poor in 80 countries, including the S?- v1·et Union, Cuba and Nicar_agu~. lt is completing a similar pro~ec m Murua neighborhood of T1iuana near t the

ing litigation is settled. Among other things, the wrong mixture of grass was used on the football field, and the track was


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by the nun s co •

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built a few feet short.

l buss a ion.

ments. couldn't match the -=:un~b:::__n_dl_ed_~t_he~c __ e_nt_ra __

So, the Longhorns, who prac-

ticed last fall at Lincoln Middle ment appearance before a three-

School are practicing at Palomar "Not bad progress. Now the bus rides are even longer," shrugged Cruising in st yle: After pulling off th e upset of th e season by de- feating Madison, th e top seed a nd th e sta e's No. 3 team, to win th e 3 A CIF softball crown, every girl on th e Fallbrook team rod e th e bus home inSlead of riding home i nd i• But wi th th e prom later th at vidually. "Suddenly, getting to th e prom seemed like a low-priority item to celebrating wi th each 0th er," said Fallbrook Coach Bill Regal. "The girls realized it was a once-in-a- Fallbrook-had lost once to Madi- son this season and three times to Grossmont, which dropped a 14- inning decision to Fallbrook in the lifetime thing." arou nd town.

son All-State selection for next Head Coach Craig Bell.

night, th e Warriors opted not to Moorpark. Also, Tanya Wether of hurry back to school to change. They went cruising in th e bus all Moorpark player. Fallbrook was hit in the eye by a

North County beat Huntington Awards Luncheon in the main

d 1

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t fth CIF


o eagues een s u ou o finals in baseball.


armel was beat-

But when Mt.

en in the semifinals Saturday, it ntarked the first non-North Coun- ty finals, and that includes the last two years when there was a team in both the 2A and 3AAinals. In 3A, Mt. Carr,el has played in In 2A, San Pasqual was in the '85 finals while San Marcos was in '86 and Escondido in '87. On the road again: Just when it"looked as if Rancho Buena Vis- ta's football team could stay home for spring practice, the Longhorns got back on buses. . The just-finished athleti.i:.,Ci~!ds at RBV cannot be used untfl pend-


"We were like a golfer who loses itte finals in 198..., '82, '8 4 , ,86 and when you're betting quarters," ad- ded Regal, "but you get serious '8_7. Poway was i' the 3A finals in when you start putting down $10 a '83. hole."

Oceanside, CA (San Diego Co.) North County Blade Trib une (Cir. D. 29 ,089)) (Cir. S. 30,498 JUN

Preps of the Week: In the eight years the Times-Advocate has been honoring Prep Athletes of the Week, Poway leads the way with 83 selections. Mt. Carmel is next at 77 followed by San Pasqual (73), Escondido (49), Vista (46), San Marcos (45), Orange Glen (40) Ramona (29), Fallbrook (28)

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San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir . D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)

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; #OLLEGES V SDSU-USD ba_sketball game off next By Chris Harrington -k-C.C '5 '?on an alternate date, e


and find a date, but we couldn't work it


Astipulation in the contract between the two schools requires that the game be "It's a shame," said USD coach Hank Egan. "We're very disappointed, of course, but we realize that it's just an unfortunate SDSU athletic director Fred Miller said the problem was primarily due to a lack of "We thought we had scheduling priority with the Sports Arena, but we were wrong," Miller said. "We tried to go back played at the Sports Arena. set of circumstances." communication.

The budding basketball rivalry between San Diego State and the University of San The Aztecs and Toreros, who have played each other in nine consecutive sea- sons, will not meet in the 1988-89 season because they could not find a mutually ac- ceptable date that is also available at the The game had been scheduled for Dec. 9, but the Sports Arena has a long-standing commitment to the Moscow Circus Dec. 7- t 12. Because of travel arrangements and other obligations, the teams couldn't agree r 0 r e e Qj_ego has been put on hold~ a J ,, Sports Arena. 1

USO has replaced SDSU on its schedule with a Jan. 2 game against Utah. The Az- tees still are looking for a replacement


Representatives of both schools said they expect the series, which SDSU leads, 15-8, to resume during the 1989-90 season. "The important thing is to work to make sure this doesn't happen again," Egan said. "The rivalry is growing and I hope this doesn't affect it negatively. We're already taking steps to find a date for next season.~ r---=---:---=-===-====----,,,,'""'C~

Rabbi Wayne Doslck is the founder and spiritual leader of congregation Beth Am in Solana Beach.

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