Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue

Add-Ons In addition to the extensive line of Nienhuis Montessori materials, we also produce a line of Add-Ons. This is a logical broadening and deepening of our original Montessori assortment that draws on expertise and experience acquired over many years. These materials are valuable to your prepared environment. You could say, they ‘enrich’ it. These materials are a result of the product development and innovation that has been top priority at Nienhuis for decades. What sets them apart are their innovative nature, and outstanding conceptual and physical quality. Our own pedagogic specialists, an international group of designers, educators, and other didactic professionals are the creators of these fine products. We hope you find these materials to be a valuable addition to your classroom environment. In addition, you will find a wide variety of basic classroom necessities such as colored inset pencils, sharpeners, scissors, punch-out pins and material storage blocks. A selection of papers for mathematics and language exercises as well as photos of Dr. Montessori. To maintain and keep your materials in top condition, our Repair Paints and First Aid Kits are also included.

Nienhuis Montessori


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