Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue

About Dr. Maria Montessori

Education For Human Development Mario M. Montessori, Jr. An insight into his grandmother’s personality, her role as a feminist and her philosophy of education and child growth. • Clio: 117 pp, soft cover, 1997 edition Item Number: 531900

Maria Montessori: Her Life And Work E. M. Standing. Introduction by John J. McDermott. A biography that includes

quotes from her letters and diaries. • 380 pp, soft cover, 1998 edition

Item Number: 539700

Montessori: The Science Behind The Genius Angeline Stoll Lillard. Research supporting the eight insights that are the foundation of Montessori education. In reading this book, parents and teachers alike will develop a clear understanding of what happens in a Montessori classroom, why it happens and why it works. • 404 pp, soft cover, 2007 edition Item Number: 532300

Maria Montessori Rita Kramer. This biography covers the personal life of Dr. Montessori and the intellectual and social climate of Italy during her formative years. • 410 pp, soft cover, 1988 edition Item Number: 540600

Maria Montessori 100 Years: 1907 - 2007 Centenary Of The Montessori Movement

Includes photos and a history of the ‘movement’. • Kalakshetra: 221 pp, hard cover, 2007 edition

Item Number: 549600


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