Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue


Helping The Child Unfold Its Potential Albert M. Joosten, S.F. Swamy, Rajendra K. Gupta. The authors present insightful thoughts and observations regarding early childhood development according to the discoveries of Dr. Montessori. • 75 pp, soft cover, 2003 edition Item Number: 536400

A Montessori Album Margot R. Waltuch. Margot Waltuch is one of the few people who knew and worked with Maria Montessori. Her album provides personal insights and presents the Montessori method in the context of international history. • 27 pp, soft cover, 1986 edition Item Number: 535700

Montessori Read & Write Lynne Lawrence. Brings the benefits of the Montessori system within reach of all parents. Packed with ideas, activities and games that make learning easy. • 160 pp, soft cover, 1998 edition Item Number: 536800

The Normalized Child Kathleen H. Futrell. Excerpts from a talk given to parents of the children at The Aquinas Montessori School (Virginia) in 1966. This booklet has enjoyed widespread use by many Montessori schools and organizations. Nicely illustrated with full-color photographs of children at work. • 28 pp, soft cover, 1998 edition, reprinted by NAMTA Item Number: 539300

A Little Book Of Peace Chandra Fernando. A little book written after 9/11 to show children the beauty of our world. 'It is the stuff that restores souls.' • 36 pp, soft cover, 2003 edition Item Number: 543420

Nienhuis Montessori


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