Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue

Montessori Language Program A.M. Joosten, R.K. Gupta, A.W. Khandekar, D. A. Akbar. Montessori Language Program for children 3 to 6 years of age. • 121 pp, soft cover, 1985 edition Item Number: 536510

The Practical Implementation Of Montessori Principles Dr. Maria Montessori, Albert M. Joosten, S.R. Swamy, Ram P. Bashyal, Rajendra K. Gupta. Articles by the authors include the environment, receiving new children, questions and answers, pupil learning, history, etc. • 83 pp, soft cover, 2003 edition Item Number: 536300

The Child And You Gupta, Prakash, Rama K., Tandon. Notes and essays on many Montessori subjects. From the India Montessori Association and the Indian Institute for Montessori Studies. • 117 pp, soft cover, 1998 edition Item Number: 536600

The Exercises Of Practical Life Albert Joosten. An overview of practical life in the Montessori classroom. • 26 pp, soft cover, 1990 edition Item Number: 536540

The Child’s Right To Develop Albert Joosten. Many of his observations and recollections including

“On Becoming Who We Are”. • 47 pp, soft cover, 1995 edition

Item Number: 536545


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