Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue

Reference & DVD’s

The Whole School Montessori Handbook D. Kahn, S. Dubble & D. R. Pendleton. Topics include starting a school, organization, funding, finance, materials, policies, procedures, and more. • 700 pp, soft cover, 1999 edition, NAMTA Item Number: 535500

The Whole School Montessori Handbook: Supplement D. Kahn. This supplement to the 1999 Whole-School Montessori Handbook looks at new developments in the issues schools encounter every day. Based on real documentation from Montessori schools throughout the U.S. and Canada, this book offers nuts-and-bolts advice and model practices. • 346 pp, soft cover, 2007 edition, NAMTA Item Number: 535400

DVD: At Home In Nature: Biology In The Montessori Classroom

Sanford Jones, Youth Opera International, Inc. This video provides a hands-on approach on how to set up the classroom for the study of biology. Includes: use of the Botany Cabinet, how to select pets for the classroom, how to select and repot plants, building an outdoor garden, preparing healthy foods at school, methods of recycling, composting at school, and much more. This DVD is a valuable asset to a school’s resource library. Item Number: 534800 DVD: “Maria Montessori” Her Life And Legacy With Annette Haines, Ed. D. This film introduces the basic tenets and methodology of Montessori education with film sequences from 3 schools showing children independently learning in their carefully prepared environment. Includes a sequence on Dr. Montessori's life portrayed through rare archival photos.. • 35 minutes, 2004 edition Item Number: 568500

Camillo Grazzini: Celebrating Fifty Years Of Montessori Service Vol. 29, number 1, special edition, David Kahn. • NAMTA JOURNAL: 295 pp, soft cover, 2004 edition

Item Number: 536200


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