Gran Canaria Tourist Guide

Jungle. In this town hanging over the edge of the ravine, Tomás Morales was born, one of the finest poets in the history of the Canaries. We now set off towards Santa María de Guía , along the GC- 75 road overlooking the coast. The Silva Bridge hangs some 100 metres over land, bypassing the Cenobio de Valerón, a unique grain store which the local aborígenes used to store their harvests. This archaeological settlement is made up of over 350 caves carved out by the island’s first inhabitants, is around 800 years old and is extremely well preserved, providing a surprise for visitors. Once we are in the town, the race is on to find an example of the famous Flower Cheese made in this region. Move around the town centre, go and see the Néstor Álamo Museum and the Parish Church housing the eight religious carvings by José Luján Pérez, a prolific sculptor who passed on a legacy to his country with the necessary artistic attributes by building a clock that went on one of the church’s two towers around the middle of the 19th century. Back on the GC-2, our route continues onto the city of Gáldar , one of the two kingdoms that divided the island into two prior to the Castilian conquest. It is the land of the guanarteme kings of the time, and for this reason top of our list is a visit to the Painted Cave Museum and Archaeological Park, the most important aboriginal




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