1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

Summer Drinks

Sangaree appears to be another name for toddy, and Sours must have ;the [lemon rind ·left in the glass.

Jrin e Cu ps There are t wo import :rnt things t o remember in making these : (1) That the wine must be good enough to drink as a w ine , and igood wine can be bought to-day for as low a price as t wo shillings a bottle. (2) That the cup should be put on ice, and not the ice in the cup. C laret Cu p Pare a lem on very thin, and add to it some icing sugar. Pour over it a wineglass full of sherry. Add one bottle of claret, and before serving, one bottle of soda water. Grate a little nutmeg over it, and decorate with sprigs of verbena . More sugar can be added if liked.

Another Claret Cup Put into a bowl a bottle of cl aret, half a pint of cold water, a tablespoonful of icing sugar, a rs

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