1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

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A nothn Recip e fo r Ci trodone iii ade w ithout f resh l emons DR . G I LES' RE C IPE, r S6 r Boil t\\'O po und s of 10:1f suga r in a pint of wa t er till th e ~ u gar is :ill dissolved; then take it off the fl.re and ,,·hen cnol stir int o it o ne ounce of citri c aci d prev io usly mixed in a cup \vith one t easpoonful of esse nce of lemon . Cant on /,c1110 11 1ulc: Boil o ne and a ha lf cups of suga r and half a te ::i – spoonfu l o f ground g inger in a pint of ff at er till it ?e.comes syrup , then add half a cup of lemon JUICe . Leave it t o cool, and either use immediately or bottle fo r use . Two ta b l espoonful s sho uld be used in each glass of wat e r . Boston Crealll Pour t wo and a h::ilf large cup fuls of boiling wa t er over one breakfa st c upful of suga r. \Vhen dissolved and cold, add one ounce of t artaric acid and two t eas poonfuls of essence of lemon, also the well-beaten white of an egg. 3

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