1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

Winter Cordials

\Vhen cold, st rain, and add the juice of both lem ons .

Sc1rli1 11.atcr Di ssolve h::ilf a pou nd of c::i sror suga r in a gallon o f cold \\"a t cr, and add t o it :in ounce of bicarbon at e of sod :i. Pour int o ~oda ,,·at cr bottl es, ::ind put half a dra chm of c itri c :1cid c1T~t:d s int o c:1c h. Cork imrn cd iat eh-, d~ not sh:ikc, and keep in a cool pla ce . · I emo11(/de Por.cder Spread on sheets of "·hite p.1per seven pounds of ca stor su o-a r and sp rinkle o\·er it a quart er of b ' . an ounce of di still ed oil of limes, the same quantity of pressed oil of lim es , :md :i quart er of an ounce of oil of lemon. Mix it ,,·ell t oo-e ther \\·ith th e h::inds, so that the fl avouring is w~ll di spersed, th en dry it in the oven , turning it ::ibout, and ""hen absolutely dry add fiv e and a h alf oun ces o f tart:iri c acid. Mix well, and keep in an airtight tin in a dry place. Sr

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