Babesta Beat SS16

WANT NEED ›Ôo CITY BABY LISTS MADE EASY! Listless? The Babesta crew breaks it down, so that your registry is the perfect blend of must-haves and can’t-live-withouts!

Classic crib by Oeuf , 6657, $970.

The most important decision for a city parent is the question of mobility— how are you and baby going to grab a cab, get in the subway or navigate your neighborhood? Our perspective is that a mobile parent is a happy parent, and a happy parent is a great parent! Register for the stroller that has city ready wheels, and fits what you will need, considering your lifestyle. Remember, even strollers (like most things in life) have trade-offs, so the lightest one won’t necessarily be the most sturdy or have the best wheels. Think about how you intend to use your stroller most days—in the ‘hood? Or on trains, planes & automobiles? Most people end up with a primary stroller and a lightweight model. Car seats should be easy to install into a cab safely (make sure there’s a European seat belt routing path in the back) and should be compatible with your stroller, so it’s a complete travel system. Make sure you get an infant carrier that’s comfortable for you and easy to put on too! FIRST THINGS FIRST: GETTING AROUND TOWN!

Luxe Classic: We love the sophisticated grey coloring and the quilted canopy of the city-ready Cameleon3 Classic by Bugaboo.

City Smart : A car seat that reclines, giving baby the perfect position in the stroller and in the car. Aton Cloud Q by Cybex , 27109, $449.99.

Cameleon 3 Classic Complete in grey melange , 27108, $1239 by Bugaboo .

NURSERY NEEDS After your mobility is decided, make sure you figure out the sleeping situation. Babies sleep alot and your crib and changer will anchor your nursery. Aesthetics are a personal choice, and there are loads of great options. Cribs and changers come in woods like birch and walnut, and modern materials like acrylic. Colors span the spectrum from neutral whites and greys to bright pops of color! Make sure you know the lead time and the “real deal” of the manufacturer when deciding upon your furniture ensemble. Water based paints, 100% hardwood and a good reputation for delivering on time are important. Furniture isn’t a sure thing—there’s a lot of handling along the way—so you want to deal with a company that has great customer service too in case of any issue!


babesta beat spring/summer 2016

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