DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: July 23, 2018 version

COMMITTED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS The State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) is North Carolina’s state and federally-mandated plan that identifies the funding levels, time periods, and project phases for transportation projects throughout the state. This list is updated regularly. The most recent version of the STIP as of the time of this writing (August 2017) was considered for this plan. Several roadway projects in the Town of Morrisville are slated for design, right-of-way acquisition, or construction funding during the life of the STIP. Table 3-1 lists the projects included in the STIP during the period between 2018-2027. The funding displayed in Table 3-1 is only the STIP funds allocated to the project, and does not reflect local funds that may be dedicated to these projects. In addition to leveraging federal and state funding, the Town of Morrisville aggressively looks for additional funding sources. These local funds are used to leverage larger state and federal funding amounts, to increase competitiveness for regional grant funding such as the Locally Administered Projects Program (LAPP), and to fully fund and implement projects locally. Recent success in obtaining local funding can be partially attributed to the $20 million bond referendum approved by citizens in the Town of Morrisville in 2012 to update the Morrisville Community Park, Morrisville Aquatics and Fitness Center, and to extend McCrimmon Parkway to Aviation Parkway at Evans Road. The roadway projects that are currently committed within the Town of Morrisville are projected to result in a beneficial reduction in congestion levels in the future. The regional travel demand model was updated to reflect the committed projects, and then run with 2040 population and employment growth included. Figure 3-2 shows the results of this model run. Notable congestion decreases can be seen along committed corridors such as Morrisville-Carpenter Road, Aviation Parkway, McCrimmon Parkway, and NC 54.

Table 3-1: Town of Morrisville Committed Roadway Projects STIP ID PROJECT NAME FROM



Airport Boulevard Interchange at I-40


Slater Road

Pleasant Grove Church Road 2020 $35,220,000

U-5747A McCrimmon Parkway Widening Church Street

West of Davis Drive

2021 $13,000,000

U-5750 NC 54 Widening

NC 540

Perimeter Park Drive

2021 $25,336,000

U-5747B NC 54 & McCrimmon Parkway Grade Separation



2021 $20,702,000

U-5828 1

McCrimmon Parkway Extension Airport Boulevard

Aviation Parkway

2018 $11,870,000

U-5811 Aviation Parkway Widening

NC 54

Interstate 40

2023 $28,787,000

U-5966 2

NC 147 Extension

NC 540

Davis Drive at Little Drive

2023 $57,850,000

U-5627 Louis Stephens Drive Extension South of Little Drive

Poplar Pike Lane

2019 $3,036,000

Morrisville-Carpenter Road Widening Slater Road at Airport Boulevard Traffic Signal

U-5618 1

NC 54

Davis Drive

2018 $11,000,000




2017 $85,750

1 These projects have Town funding participation. 2 The NC 147 Extension (U-5966) alignment is shown as adopted in the CAMPO 2045 MTP. The NCDOT has not finalized an alignment for the extension at this time. Source: NCDOT State Transportation Improvement Program, Adopted August 2017 Other Relevant Committed Roadway Projects In addition to the above projects, NCDOT has three projects along I-40 that will impact the Town. I-40 interchange improvements at both Aviation Parkway and Airport Boulevard are scheduled to begin construction in 2018 and 2019, respectively. In addition, plans exist to widen the segment of Interstate 40 that lies between the Town of Morrisville and the Raleigh-Durham International Airport, to include auxiliary lanes between Harrison Avenue and the construction of managed lanes between Wade Avenue and I-540.

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