New Parents Handbook 2019

TIFFIN SCHOOL Information for Parents of Year 7 2019-2020



Student Code of Conduct ............................................24 General..................................................................24 Attendance.............................................................24 Behaviour ..............................................................25 Prohibited Substances............................................25 School Grounds and Buildings ...............................25 Social Media and On-Line.......................................26 Cars, Motors and cycles .........................................26 Personal Belongings ...............................................27 Sanctions...............................................................27

Welcome Letter from the Head of Year 7…………………...4

First week of school and school day timings……………...5

Tiffin School Vision and Aims………………………………...7

General Information……………………………………………. 8

Curriculum Information Tiffin School Network Clubs and Societies

Merits and Demerits .......................................................28

Games and Sport The House System

Homework and Independent Study..................................30

Tiffin Network for Parents .............................................9

Equipment and Lockers ..................................................32

Photography and filming of students ..........................11

Chromebooks .................................................................34

Music .........................................................................12

Lunchtime arrangements ................................................36

More about the School Day .........................................14

Free School Meals ..........................................................36

Timings of the day Learning Resource Centre (LRC) Travelling to and from school Driving onto site (Parents) Cycling to School

Information on cashless catering ....................................37

Pupil attendance, absence and holidays .........................38

Medical Needs & Severe Allergies.....................................39

Monitoring Progress and Assessment ..........................16

Tiffin Parents’ Association ..............................................40

Dress and Appearance Regulations—School Uniform...18

FAQs 1 ...........................................................................42

Dress and Appearance Regulations—P.E.& Games ......20

FAQs 2 ...........................................................................43

Tiffin Shop..................................................................22

Checklist for Parents.......................................................44


This booklet has been collated to provide you with easy access to information that you are likely to find useful as you fill in the Admission Form and to help you find your way in the early days of your son joining Tiffin School, and you joining the Tiffin community.


On the same evening (Wednesday 3 July), you are invited to Tiffin School. (I am afraid I must ask you not to bring children as we are unable to make suitable provision for them.) During the course of the evening, you will meet your son’s Form Tutor, senior members of staff, representatives of the Parents’ Association, the form prefects, and me. Mr Gascoigne will address parents during the evening. In the meantime, it is helpful to know of any circumstances which may affect your son’s happiness and progress during the settling-in phase and throughout his Tiffin career. We would also appreciate you informing us of any specific learning or social difficulties encountered, at primary school. Also, if there are any health or family matters that may affect his progress, please write to me in advance of New Boys’ Day. All information will be kept in strictest confidence. Similarly, I would encourage you to contact either me or your son’s Form Tutor at any time, should your son experience difficulties or problems during his first year at Tiffin. It would of course be lovely to hear of positive comments from time to time too! The Autumn Term begins on Tuesday 3rd September at 8.30am for Year 7. Your son should be wearing full Tiffin school uniform and bring pen/pencils and a notebook. He will finish school at 3.30pm. Another date for your diary is the Year 7 Open Forum which will take place on Tuesday 24 September. This will provide another opportunity to meet with me and your son’s Form Tutor, and to compare notes with other parents!

Dear Parent/Guardian,

For the next few months your son will be looking forward to joining us at Tiffin School in September. We also look forward to welcoming him here and to nurturing his academic and personal development. Transferring from his present school to us will undoubtedly be met with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Whatever his feelings may be, it is my priority to ensure he settles in quickly and successfully, feels secure and confident, and understands what we expect of him and what he may expect of us.

One of the most important parts of our induction programme is New Boys’ Day, a settling in day.

Your son is invited to attend Tiffin for the whole day on Wednesday 3 July, starting at 8.30am. During the day he will meet his Form Tutor, the Headteacher, the Head of Key Stage 3 and with me, the Head of Year 7. He will see his form room, meet the rest of his form, learn which House he will be in and begin to find his way round the school. He will be introduced to some of the subjects he will be studying from September. He will also meet, and be able to chat to, the Sixth Form students who will be attached to his form as prefects. He will need to bring with him either a packed lunch or £4.00 to buy lunch from the school canteen. He should wear the clothes that he would normally wear for his current junior school and bring pens and pencils. He must also bring his current PE kit and trainers as he will be involved in some physical activity. He will be dismissed from the Headteacher's Garden at 3.10pm.

I am confident that your son's time at Tiffin will be happy and successful, and I look forward to meeting you on 3 July.

Yours faithfully, Grace Bond, Head of Year 7


First week of Term

Normal timings of the day

Registration is at 8.30 am and students should aim to be in school by 8.20 am to give them time to go to their lockers and get organised for the day. Every Thursday, students have registration at 9.20 am; they should be in school by 9.10 am. This is a busier time of day for commuting, please ensure that your son leaves more time for his journey to school. The school day ends at 3.30pm. The LRC is open until 4.30pm for private study and for students who have extra curricular activities after school. However the LRC is not open after school on Wednesdays. Practices, events and detentions are also run after school. These are compulsory after school events and therefore, if your son is usually collected from school, it is important that you teach him how to travel home from school when he has a later finish.

The first week’s schedule for Year 7 is as follows:

Tuesday 3rd September Start 8:30 am End 3.30 pm

Wednesday 4th September Start 8:30 am End 12.30 pm (More information to follow.)

Thursday 5th September Start 9.20 am End 3.30 pm

Friday 6th September Start 8:30 am End 3.30 pm

Please note that on Thursday school begins at 9:20am.




Tiffin School’s vision statement is:

To inspire students to engage , aspire and excel .

Our aims are:

To prepare our students for their future lives in the modern world, we aim to:

 Nurture a love of learning , and pursuit of academic excellence and scholarship

 Develop independence , adaptability , determination and confidence

 Stimulate curiosity, open-mindedness and creativity

 Foster empathy , generosity and respect for others

 Cultivate participation, commitment, leadership and responsibility


General Information

Curriculum Information On entering the School pupils are placed at random in six equal forms, three of the forms study French and three study German. The remaining course of study for Year 7 comprises English, Drama, History, Geography, Latin, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Art, Music, Dance, Design Technology, Information Technol- ogy, Religion & Philosophy, Physical Education, Games and 21st Century Life. Tiffin School Network On joining Tiffin School your son will be instructed on how to log on to the school network, giving him access to our virtual learning envi- ronment, to his own working folders and his own email account. He will be shown how to change his password. He will have his own ac- cess to Insight so he can also see how many merits he is accruing! His homework will also be online so that he will always know what has been set. He will have printing credits so that he may print out work in the LRC. He will use IT in a variety of lessons and be advised on how to stay safe online. In the first few weeks we will introduce him to the School Network Contract that he must adhere to, to ensure that he is using IT sensibly and securely. Clubs and Societies Boys are encouraged from the beginning of Year 7 to become in- volved in several of the many clubs and societies which are held dur- ing the lunchtimes and after school. The choice includes: Art, Ath- letics, Cards, Chess, Badminton, Basketball, Bridge, Film Club, Charity Club, Reading Group, Cross-Country, Photography, Forensic, Computing, String Orchestra, Second Orchestra, Concert Band, Choirs, Table Tennis and Dance., as well as the usual sports and House competitions. An up to date list of clubs and societies will be available on the Tiffin Google site (accessible through the Tiffin website) and in student Planners from September.

Games and Sport All pupils participate in some sort of sporting activity. Games are scheduled for Friday afternoons in Year 7. Coaches take the boys to our main sports ground, Grists, at Hampton Court. They make their own way home. (Please see our website for maps ) There are a wide range of sports to get involved in. Our sporting facilities are excellent; as well as our sports ground, we have our Sports Hall, Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) and cricket nets here on the School site, and our recently re-furbished Boathouse on the Thames (boys may opt for rowing from Year 9). Tiffin is also renowned for the high quality teams it runs in many sports, and training for these will take place at lunchtimes as well as on games afternoons. If selected for the Rugby, Rowing, Cross Country or Cricket teams, your son will have fixtures on Saturdays and training after school. The House System This is a wonderful way of encouraging all year groups to mix and for all boys to take responsibility for earning points for their House. All students are allocated randomly to one of the eight Houses on joining the School. If you have a link to a particular House (another son or relative perhaps) you can request that your son is placed in the same House on the Admission Form. The inter-House competition allows all to actively participate in events and teams, whether they are sporting, artistic, or academic. It might be the House Football, or the House General Knowledge Team! As your son moves up the School he will also have plenty of opportunity to take responsibilities in the leadership of his House. House opportunities and information will also be updated regularly on the Tiffin Google site.



INSIGHT Parent Portal Once your son is officially on roll in September, you will be sent login details to access the Parental Portal—Insight.

Please spend a little time getting used to the layout and information available. This is the way the majority of communication between home and school operates.

You will be able to see and monitor:  Your child’s timetable and details of attendance.  Your child’s behaviour (merits and demerits).  Your personal contact details and how to update them when you change phone numbers of move house.  How to contact your child’s teachers.  How to report absence.  Assessments—how your child is progressing, including interim and annual reports.  Diary dates/inset days/term dates.  Online booking for parents’ consultations. (You will be notified when the booking system is open for use)  School policies - are available on either the school website or the parent portal.  Information on exams.  Instrumental tuition timetables.  Letters from school.  Newsletters are available on the school website.

Insight is also used by the School to email information to you. As well as receiving information, letters and documents in your inbox, they also appear under the Letters and Notices area on the Insight landing page.

Please do NOT give your login details to your son, he will also use Insight and have his own login.

If you forget your Insight login, please request a reminder by emailing:



Photography and Filming of Students

We like to populate our website with as many photographs and sometimes videos as possible to illustrate the successes and achievements of the Tiffin community outlined above. We are truly proud of the extent of involvement in the wider opportunities on offer and wish to show, through photographs, the enthusiasm with which we are sure your sons will participate.

There is a possibility that your son may be included in a photograph appearing on the website in future.

On our Admission Form, we seek your consent to use photographs of your son in this way. Some of these photographs may also appear in the Head’s Newsletter and other school publications.



Dear Parent/Guardian,

During their ‘Introduction to Musical Instruments Week’, Year 7 pupils will receive a hard copy of the Music Handbook. In case this does not reach you, please also find an online copy on the website. Year 7 Music Handbook: handbook Tiffin Boys sing from the first week that they arrive at the School. During their first year, every Tiffinian participates in the Year 7 Choir Competition, the House Singing Competition and the School Concert, experiences which promote camaraderie, teamwork and a love of music. I encourage all pupils to join the Oratorio Choir (12.40pm Wednesdays for pupils in Years 7-9). Formed of approximately two hundred pupils, parents and other members of the Tiffin community. This year the choir performed Verdi Requiem: a memorable opportunity which, for most Year 7 pupils, will be unlike anything they have experienced before. Parents are also encouraged to join this choir, with rehearsals for adults and older pupils beginning at 7.00pm on Wednesdays, from September (further details available from

Tiffin School offers an exceptional range and standard of musical activities. All pupils are encouraged to participate in music outside the classroom: the aim is to provide opportunities for musicians of all ability levels and interests.

Tiffin musicians regularly perform in major venues (Royal Albert Hall, Barbican, Festival Hall, Royal Opera House) with the UK’s top orchestras (LSO, LPO, Philharmonia), on radio and television (BBC, ITV, Classic FM), and on film (The Hobbit, Philomena). They have toured Europe, China and Australia. In recent years, an exception- al number of Tiffin pupils have been awarded music scholarships to study a wide variety of subjects at Russell Group universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. If your son chooses to become involved, he too can have these opportunities.

I encourage you to visit the Music Department website where you will find more information, including an events calendar and week- ly rehearsal timetable on the homepage.

Music Department website

If your son plays a string, wind or brass instrument, he should also participate in one or more of the instrumental groups listed in the music rehearsal timetable

The majority of pupils in Year 7 learn to play a musical instrument. Parents should enrol pupils for individual music lessons using the online enrolment form found on the site. Individual Music Lessons Enrolment Form music-lessons/enrolment-form-for-individual-music-lessons



More About The School Day

Timings of the day The School operates a two week timetable (Week A and Week B).

Parents are also requested not to park near the entrances to the School at any time; to adhere to the parking restrictions and not use the staff car entrances as places to reverse. Accidents could easily occur when vision is restricted.

Each day begins at 8:30am and finishes at 3:30pm, except Thursdays which begin at 9:20 m and finish at 3:30pm.

Friday afternoons boys are taken by coach to Grists, our playing fields near Hampton Court, they make their own way home and games staff ensure they know how to get to their bus stop or the Hampton Court train station.


Parents may only park on the School Grounds when attending evening music and drama performances. Please note that parking is limited and you may not be able to find space.

The Dining Hall opens each morning at 7:50 am for breakfast.

The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) The LRC opens every day from 8:00am, except Thursday when it opens at 9.20 am. It closes at 4:30 pm except Wednesdays when it closes at 2 pm. Students are able to use the LRC at lunchtime and stay after school to complete homework. Travelling to and from school Kingston is a central hub for buses and trains so we encourage you to teach your son to use public transport for his journeys to and from school, by practising the route with him in the summer holiday. He should also learn how to get home from Grists, the sports ground at Hampton Court. He will need to be aware of basic road safety and understand the dangers of crossing the main roads around the School. Also please encourage your son to use the designated crossings correctly.

When collecting boys who are ill, please enter by Birkenhead Avenue gate and use a visitors parking place.

Cycling to school For boys who cycle, their bicycle must be in a roadworthy condition. Any pupils bringing a bicycle to school do so entirely at their own risk. Boys must wear the appropriate safety head gear. They must also provide padlocks to secure their cycles and must obtain an access card for bike sheds from the Main Office at the beginning of term. It is their responsibility to secure the bike shed after using it. The School is not liable for loss or damage to pupils’ cycles. For safety we advise parents to obtain adequate insurance cover and to have their postcode stamped on the bicycle.



Monitoring Progress and Assessment

Your son's first term with us is an exciting and, for some, an awesome challenge. His success depends upon his happiness and Year 7 tutors carefully monitor the way boys settle, make friends and take up new activities. His work will be monitored regularly and information regarding your son will be disseminated via Insight (the parental portal). You will receive two Progress Reviews in the year giving a snap shot of your son’s Attitude to Learning; his Organisation and his Progress. The first of these will be available in the second half of the autumn term. In addition to the above you will be able to see your son’s attendance; the number of merits he has accumulated - and in some cases demerits! In the spring term you will have the opportunity to meet many of your son’s subject teachers to discuss his progress. This is called the Parental Consultation Session and takes place from 2:00 pm until 5:30 pm in the Dining Hall. Such sessions are held for each year group and they run from late November until the end of the Spring Term. Please be aware that it is impossible to book consultations with every teacher. On each of these afternoons the school day is shortened for all those not involved in the consultations. We will give you warning of these.

An “Open Forum” evening is held for each year group, and for parents of Year 7 this will be held on Tuesday 25 September 2019. Whilst tutors and the Head of Year are available to discuss any difficulties with settling or coping, this is very much a social occasion, with the emphasis on becoming part of a team with tutoring staff. During the summer term, progress in most subjects will be assessed by formal examinations. An Assessment Record, including a tutor report and individual subject information will be available on the parental portal. If, at any time during the year, there are any concerns you wish to bring to our attention, initially, please email your son's tutor or his subject teacher, depending on the issue. If you feel there is a bigger problem you may email the Head of Year 7. Please do not drop into school expecting to be able to meet with staff, they will not be available at short notice.



Dress and Appearance Regulations—School Uniform

Hair: Exaggerated styles are not permitted, such as dyed or bleached hair, and shaved patterns in hair. Long hair must be tied back for sport and practical lessons. This is not a comprehensive list, and if in doubt, parents and students should consult the school beforehand. Students may be sent home to have their hair changed if these regulations are breached. Jewellery: Students are not permitted to wear jewellery including earrings. Students are not permitted to wear make-up. Badges: Badges of outside organisations are not permitted. Badges representing awards may be worn, subject to the Head's approval.

All students are required to wear school uniform as prescribed by the Governors, whilst in School and whilst travelling to and from school. Most of the uniform, including blazers, is available from Tiffin School Shop. Blazers : Students in Year 11 wear a navy blue blazer with the three fishes badge. Students in Years 7, 8, 9 & 10 wear the Tiffin Striped blazer.

Shirts: Plain white, these may be long or short sleeved.

Ties: School, House, School Club or Awards tie. A tie must be worn for School, correctly tied at the collar.

Trousers: Long ,

dark charcoal grey. Plain black belts

(without oversized buckles or logos) only.

Pullovers: This must be V-necked and either one of the Tiffin pullovers (navy blue embroidered with the emblem of three fishes, or navy blue with a red stripe at the V-neck, both of which are available from Tiffin School Shop), or plain navy blue knitted fabric.

Footwear : Black leather shoes; trainers are not permitted.

Socks: Dark blue, dark grey or black.



Dress and Appearance Regulations—P.E. and Games

Cricket team members only

PE and Games Kit

long white cricket trousers

    

The following kit is required (available from Tiffin School Shop). When using the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) students should have footwear suitable for this type of artifi- cial surface.

white cricket shirt

white sweater

abdominal guard/cricket box white (cricket) shoes/boots

Physical Education :

Specialist Clothing: Students riding cycles to School should conform to safety precautions which recommend the wearing of light-reflecting objects. Cyclists must wear helmets. Students will be expected to wear the necessary protective equipment and clothing as specified by the various Departmental Heads of practical subjects at the beginning of each academic year. Equipment : Students should have a bag for exercise books, text books and Chromebook. A separate bag is recommended for PE and Games kit. Students should also have a laboratory coat for science, Art and DT. Valuables: The students are responsible for their own be- longings in School. Valuable items should not be brought to School. During PE and Games lessons valuables (eg money/ Chromebooks/watches/phones) should be placed in the secure lockers provided in the Sports Hall and at Grists (using a combination padlock available from the School Shop or elsewhere). It must be strictly understood that there can be no departure from this uniform.

Tiffin sports shirt Tiffin P.E. shorts

  

White socks

 Trainers/gym shoes (non-marking sole)


Tiffin sports shirt

   

Navy blue rugby shorts

Tiffin rugby socks

Rugby boots with rugby studs

 Gum guard (consult your dentist)  Navy base layer (optional)  Navy tracksuit (optional)


Tiffin sports shirt

 Tiffin P.E. shorts (white with two lines of navy piping down each side)  Navy tracksuit (optional)  spiked shoes (optional) – if doing cross-country or Athletics




Tiffin Shop We are located in the Elmfield Building within the school grounds. We are open during school hours on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Please visit the ‘School Shop’ area of the Tiffin School website (select Admissions tab) where you will find a lot of further information.

Direct Telephone: 020 8939 4375



We sell Tiffin School uniform, rugby and PE kit, books, art materials and stationery - convenient and easy shopping for you & your son at prices competitive with the High Street.  All new boys come to the shop during the summer term for a personal fitting appointment, to get their uniform and kit before they start in September. We advise you not to buy any new uniform items until you have seen us as we give full guidance on what is required.  Please see BOOKING YOUR UNIFORM FITTING APPOINTMENT on the next page for how to book your appointment with us.  As new boy fittings take place in the summer term, we do allow room for growth. We are usually happy to exchange items (please see our Returns Policy).  Parking is not permitted on site. Please come into school via the pedestrian gate on the corner of Queen Elizabeth Road and Birkenhead Avenue to the Main School Reception.

Your email from Admissions, with the link to this booklet includes a Shop Reference Number, unique to your son.

Please have your Shop Reference Number to hand, then Click here to make your fitting appointment.

Appointments are available from Tuesday 23 April on- wards. Your appointment will take approximately one hour (please make sure you allow enough time on your car parking meter!). Payment can be made by cash or card (Mastercard or Visa). Unfortunately, we do not accept American Ex- press. You will be able to take your purchases home with you, so in consideration of the environment, we encourage you to bring your own bags.

Please note the shop is not open on Fridays or in the school holidays.



Student Code of Conduct Page 1 This code of conduct will be explained to your son during his induction and it is important that parents are aware of the code too. This Code of Conduct may be amended from time to time by staff and Gov- ernors. Its interpretation is at the discretion of the Headteacher. You should be familiar with this Code, and you are expected to conform to it whilst a student at the School. GENERAL This Code provides the minimum framework necessary for the School to live, work and play together in harmony, efficiency and safety. Within the framework it is expected that each one of you will conduct yourself with a regard for the feelings and reasonable interests of others. You are reminded that you must: ● OBSERVE THE PRINCIPLES OF COMMON SENSE AND COURTESY AT ALL TIMES ● RESPECT PEOPLE AND PROPERTY; MAINTAIN THE GOOD ORDER OF THE SCHOOL ● ENHANCE THE SCHOOL'S REPUTATION AND HELP OTHERS TO DO SO. DO NOT BRING THE REPUTATION OF THE SCHOOL INTO DISREPUTE ● UPHOLD AND PROMOTE THE ETHOS, VALUES, VISION AND AIMS OF TIFFIN SCHOOL This Code applies to you whenever you are at school, travelling to and from school, on school trips, wearing school uniform, representing the School, or are otherwise associated or identified with the School. As you would expect, you are subject to the Law of the Land at all times. You must wear the prescribed school uniform when travelling to and from school, and at school. This uniform must also be worn when representing the School in matches against other schools. School uniform need not be worn when attending School functions as a spectator, as part of an audience or at other specified occasions. Common sense and discretion in the choice of dress must be exercised on these occasions. Please refer to the Dress and Appearance Regulations for further details.

 You must carry your planner with you at all times.

ATTENDANCE  The School day begins at 8.30am. The School Governors are not able to undertake responsibility for your well-being and safety before 8.10am (9.10am on Thursdays).  You must be punctual at all times. If you arrive late you must explain to your class teacher, who will record you as late.  An e-mail should be sent to from your parent/guardian, to explain absence on a daily basis.  Lunch break is from 12.40 pm – 1.50 pm. If you are in the Sixth Form, you may leave the school grounds during lunch-break. In years 7-10 you must remain on the school site. Year 11 must remain on the school site except on your Games day if you are travelling offsite to Games. Rowers should not leave for the boat- house until 1.15 pm.  Your attendance is required on Sports Day, Founders’ Day and other school events. Your attendance is also required when you are selected to represent the School, or your House, in any activity, and this must take priority over other arrangements.  Any student leaving school during the day for an appointment must sign out at the School Office. If you return to school the same day you must sign in at the office. If a student in Years 7-11 is to leave school for an appointment on his own, he must have a parental letter of permission with him that he can show the office staff.  Students in the Sixth Form, may leave School after their teaching has finished in the afternoon. Students in Year 13 do not need to attend school for periods 1 or 2 if they have no timetabled lessons then. These are privileges which may be withdrawn in certain circumstances. You must attend rehearsals or practices, if required.


Student Code of Conduct Page 2 BEHAVIOUR Students should:  Be co-operative and respectful at all times.  Obey instructions of all Tiffin staff.  Behave with politeness and courtesy to others including staff, fellow pupils, and guests  Never disrupt learning.  Bring all relevant kit and equipment to the lesson.  Follow the ‘Rules of the Classroom’  Follow the school dress code.  Always remember the 5 key principles of Appearance, Politeness, Promptness, Learning and Environment (A.P.P.L.E.).  Always be prepared to welcome and assist visitors to the School. They should be escorted to the Main Office.  Behave with courtesy in public spaces and on public transport.  Beyond the school grounds you should obey the Highway Code.  No public displays of affection.  Never use threatening, abusive or intimidating language or behaviour (including name calling, verbal abuse, intimidation, physical abuse, violence, fighting, bullying and harassment, including sexual harassment, sexual abuse, racist, religious, cultural, sexist, gender identity or sexual orientation based abuse) - you have the responsibility to actively prevent bullying and to report any incidents of bullying to a member of staff immediately. See students Anti-Bullying Policy in planners. PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES • On the School premises, or when representing the School, you are not permitted to smoke, including e-cigarettes, consume alcohol or gamble. Materials intended for these purposes are not permitted to be brought onto the premises, or bought, sold or transferred on the premises.

• The possession of illegal drugs is not permitted in school, or during extra-curricular activities. Illegal drugs, or any equipment associated with them, are not permitted to be used, consumed, bought, sold, or otherwise brought onto or obtained on the school grounds or school properties, or when representing the School, at any time of the day or night, including when pupils are on school visits.  Substances not prohibited by law, but considered to be drugs (e.g. legal highs), as well as any equipment associated with their use, are also not permitted to be brought onto the premises, or bought, sold or transferred on the premises. Solvents are not permitted on site except with specific permission from a teacher. These regulations also apply when pupils are on school visits. SCHOOL GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS The preservation and care of the school grounds, buildings and all property are your responsibility. All damage should be reported immediately to a member of staff. • Some areas of the School have obvious risks associated with them, in particular the stage and balcony of the School Hall, the kitchen and Birkenhead Car Park, please keep away from these areas. Laboratories, Computer rooms, Design Technology, Art and store rooms may be entered only when a member of staff is present. • Food and drink must not be consumed whilst walking about the school buildings or in classrooms. • Only 'Air-flow' balls may be used for games in the playground. (These may be purchased from the School Shop). • Use paths wherever possible in the school grounds, avoiding the use of grass and the school field. The school field is used for organised practices and Games only. Boys are not allowed on the field or in the cricket nets unless specifically supervised by a member of staff.  The central staircase in Elmfield is only for emergency use.  You should not be in classrooms/practice rooms outside of lessons unless you have permission from a member of staff. • You must move from place to place in the School quietly and with care; think of others; take your turn through doorways.


Student Code of Conduct Page 3

SOCIAL MEDIA AND ON-LINE When using social media, students should:  Be respectful of and protect the privacy of others.

CARS, MOTOR CYCLES AND CYCLES If you cycle to school: ● Once in the school grounds you must dismount and walk, push your cycle and lock it in the cycle shed. ● Cycles must be registered with the Main Office. Your cycle must be left in the facilities provided and must be securely padlocked. A card to the cycle shed can be obtained from the Main Office – you will be charged £5 for a replacement. ● All cycles should be security tagged using a recognised system such as that offered by the police. ● You should not leave cycles on the premises overnight. ● Boys riding cycles to school should conform to safety precautions which recommend the wearing of light-reflecting objects. Cyclists must wear helmets. ● No student is to bring a car, moped or motorcycle onto the school premises. ● The School has no insurance to cover loss or theft of bicycles. This must remain the responsibility of the owners.

 Consider whether they would make the comments in public or other traditional forms of media. If not you should refrain from doing so.  Not post comments, videos or images of the school or its students on-line without clear permission.

 Be proactive in removing content which might be offensive.

 Avoid making, posting or facilitating statements, images or videos that:  cause undue distress or provoke anti-social or violent behaviour  are offensive, false, inaccurate or unjustified  abuse, bully, victimise, harass, threaten or intimidate students or staff  bring Tiffin School into disrepute

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. There are many different types of social media misuse.


Student Code of Conduct Page 4

PERSONAL BELONGINGS The safeguarding of personal property is your concern.

SANCTIONS • Demerits are the record of a sanction given to a student for infringing the expectations the School has of his behaviour. 10 demerits will result in a Senior Leadership Detention. • Detentions – Senior Leadership Detentions take place on Fridays (or other days by prior arrangement) in Room 2 between 3.40 pm – 4.40 pm. Department and Head of Year Detentions are arranged by the relevant teachers and take place both at lunchtimes and after school. At least one day’s notice will be given for detentions after school. (Teachers may detain a student for up to 10 minutes after school, without notice). Your son will not be excused from detention without the permission of the teacher setting the detention. The third Senior Leadership Detention will be an internal exclusion and the sixth leads to fixed term exclusion. • Serious cases of disruptive behaviour, physical aggression towards other pupils, rudeness to, or disobedience of staff, theft, breaches of the Network Contract or Code of Conduct, as well as possession of drugs, or drug or alcohol abuse, may result in fixed term exclusion. (This is not an exhaustive list). • In extreme cases of a serious breach of the School’s Code of Conduct, Behaviour Policy, or behaviour expectations (including, but not restricted to, assault on pupils or staff, possession of an offensive weapon, dealing/trafficking/ supplying of drugs, repeated use or possession of drugs), OR persistent breaches of the Code of Conduct, Behaviour Policy or behaviour expectations, permanent exclusion will be used if necessary.

● You must have all personal belongings clearly marked with your name. You should not bring valuable articles to school. This action does not change the eventual position held on loss or damage. Lockers must be used for storage of any valuables, especially during PE and Games. ● You must not sell or exchange any goods, nor should you be in the possession of property belonging to others. ● Mobile phones, personal audio, audio visual systems may not be used or worn on school premises (except by sixth formers). These items will be confiscated if used and handed in to the Main Office. They can be collected by the student at 3.35pm on the same day. Students who have these items confiscated will be given a demerit, a 30 minute Director of Key Stage detention with SC or HO and their parents will be informed by email. If this happens on three occasions it will result in an SLT detention and parents will be required to collect the item. Use of this type of equipment by students may be possible where directed by a member of staff as part of the content of a lesson. Wearable technology, e.g. Smart watches, must be offline.  Chromebooks must only be used in the designated areas i.e. at a table in the LRC or as instructed by staff in lessons. They should not be used in the Dining Hall, classrooms or playground without explicit staff permission. At lunch time they should be secured in lockers. ● You must not bring anything to school that is actually or potentially dangerous to others. For example weapons, any type of knife including pen knives or craft knives, or sharp objects that might be considered dangerous. If in doubt please ask your Head of Year if a particular object is allowed. ● No insurance is held by the Governors or Head to cover loss of, or damage to, property brought to school and to all school activities. They accept no responsibility for loss or damage sustained by individuals or School Societies under any circumstances.  Students/Parents will be charged for malicious damage to school property.


Merits and Demerits

Sanctions leading to the recording of a demerit could be given for one of the following; again the list is not exhaustive :  Talking out of turn or non-co-operation  Minor disruptive behaviour that may include interfering with another boy’s learning  Lack of equipment/books  Failure to produce homework without good reason  Disruptive/unsafe/rowdy behaviour If a pupil misbehaves, his tutor and/or teacher will be involved in discussion with the pupil. There are clear disciplinary procedures which will be followed, leading ultimately to a School Detention. This is viewed as an extremely serious sanction and is usually held for one hour on a Friday, by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. More serious sanctions are available in the School’s disciplinary procedures should they prove necessary. If a pupil's behaviour or work is giving cause for concern, parents will be contacted at the first opportunity and may be invited to the school in an effort to resolve the situation and to arrive at a mutually satisfactory decision about the pupil's future. A pupil may be put on a target sheet should work or behaviour prove to be unsatisfactory - a procedure which is fully explained to the pupils. When pupils are having difficulties keeping up with work, their teacher or Head of Department may run compulsory intervention catch up sessions at lunchtime or after school.

We wish our students to learn effectively and develop personal responsibility both in and out of the classroom. We require high standards of behaviour, punctuality, attendance and dress as well as a commitment to completing set work by deadlines and to a good standard. Great importance is attached to discipline in the sense of self-respect, common sense, courtesy and a proper respect for others and their property, and the welfare of the community. We use a system of merits to reward good behaviour and/or work and demerits when necessary, to record a sanction given for poor behaviour or work. Actions worthy of a merit may include, but are not restricted to, the following:  Production of an especially good piece of work  Particularly good effort for a piece of work  Particularly good contributions to a lesson/activity  Consistently good effort over a period of time  Consistently good contributions over a period of time  Consistently good attitude over a period of time  An especially helpful act The accumulation of merits is monitored by the form tutor, certificates are awarded:  10 merits gain a bronze certificate - presented in a Year Assembly  20 merits gain a silver certificate

- presented in a Year Assembly  40 merits gain a gold certificate - presented in a Key Stage Assembly  60 merits gain a platinum certificate and badge - presented in a Key Stage Assembly  80 merits gain a Heads certificate, and a badge - presented in a Key Stage Assembly



Homework and Independent Study

Parents can make an important contribution to successful study habits by ensuring that their son has a quiet room in which to work and by helping to establish a regular pattern of study. Students need to be encouraged to adopt a routine in order to develop positive study habits. An active interest on the part of parents in establishing such a routine and keeping a watching brief on the amount of work being done will be of considerable value. Parents are asked to check their son’s planner to help them establish good routines. The Form Tutor keeps a check on the work that is set. The Head of Year monitors the overall pattern. If pupils fail to complete work, the subject teacher will investigate and report to the Curriculum Leader, Form Tutor or Head of Year, as appropriate. Parents are asked to monitor actively their son's homework/independent study by checking the amount of work and time spent on each subject. Students are given advice on how best to tackle the various types of homework/independent study and the conditions in which they should work. Since each student does a large amount of work at home, continuing guidance and advice is given through the 21 st Century Life lessons and tutoring time to ensure that successful study habits are established. It is important that a student establishes a positive attitude to work at home in Year 7, which will lay the foundations necessary for the extended nature of work higher up the school.

Homework is part of every pupil's learning experience. It is regarded as an integral and indispensable part of the curriculum. It is designed to extend and reinforce the work done in lessons, to promote further understanding of this work, and to develop the pupil's ability to work on his own. The homework set may consist of a wide variety of assignments e.g. writing, reading, research, learning, revising, projects, drawing, diagrams, collecting resources, etc. and is expected to take up to 30 minutes per subject. It is usual for two subjects to be set each night, but sometimes it is three subjects. The work set should not be regarded as exclusive; your son should be reading widely and conducting independent study as well. Every evening he should spend 20-30 minutes reviewing the day’s learning as part of his independent study in addition to set homework. In September students are given a termly student planner which they are expected to use to note their home- work. Homework is also put on Google Classroom each day. Parents are sent a copy of the homework timetable at the beginning of the year via the portal.



Equipment and Lockers



Your son should have a rough book and an adequately stocked pencil case, including:

Lockers are provided for your son to store his Chromebook, books, bags, games kit, etc. There is no obligation to have a locker however it is highly recommended for securing possessions. There is a one off charge of £20 for the use of a locker, which will cover the whole of the time he is at the School. You will need to provide your son with two padlocks; one padlock for his equipment locker and one for P.E./Games. As your son joins the school, the Finance Department will set up a ‘parent pay’ for the cost of the locker. If you subscribe to a locker your son will subsequently receive an email asking him to give details of his locker so that we can collate locker use. Lockers are also available for the storage of valuable items in the Sports Hall and at Grist’s. Please purchase this second combination padlock either from the School Shop or elsewhere, so he may take advantage of one of these lockers too.



coloured pencils

glue stick

round end scissors

 scientific calculator and geometry set  French/German dictionary

These can be purchased from the Tiffin Shop. A laboratory coat is needed. Advice will be given by staff on any further specialist equipment necessary. It is considered important that each pupil has a small dictionary with him for all his subjects (available from Tiffin Shop). We expect pupils to take particular care of their Chromebook and any textbooks issued to them. In all subjects they will be asked to cover their text- books. All exercise books must be covered with plastic covers, which are available from the Tiffin Shop.




Chromebooks When your son arrives at Tiffin, he will use his own Chromebook in lessons and at home. We have been operating this policy since September 2018 and it has opened up many innovative learning opportunities and had a very positive impact on learning and teaching at Ti f f in. To achieve this, we ask parents/carers to purchase a Chrome- book for their son. A Chromebook is Google’s version of a port- able computer that is cloud based and is smaller, slimmer and considerably cheaper than a traditional laptop.

during May and will make contact with you when the facility to take that payment has been set up. We will also make provisions for parents who need to pay by instalments. We appreciate that this letter may raise many further questions so we have set up a dedicated Tiffin Chromebooks website with more information. The site includes a full specification for the C213NA Flip and will be updated with more information as decisions are made. We are also planning to provide further information about this program (and other aspects of school life) for new parents during the evening of New Boy’s’ Day. Some Chromebook and Screen time recommendations We expect your son to be excited about his new Chromebook and we recommend that you establish some very clear rules from the start, the same sort of rules and expectations that you would provide for a mobile phone or for gaming allowances. Agree a specific amount of time each evening when he is allowed to use his Chromebook; essentially time to do his homework. Then put the Chromebook away/to charge for the rest of the evening. He will rarely have more than 2-3 pieces of homework per night and 60-90 minutes should provide ample time to complete it. If he chooses to spend this agreed time on other activities, rather than homework, do not extend his allocated time but let him face the consequences and sanctions at school for not doing homework. This way he will learn to manage his screen time allowances more effectively. We do not advise allowing him to keep his Chromebook, or phone, in his room at night. We do recommend ending all screen time at least an hour before bed time.

Chromebook features include:  Less than 8 seconds to boot up

Long battery life

Simple technology

 Easy student-teacher workflow

 Central management of a large number of Chromebooks

Excellent collaboration tools

 Seamless working with Google Apps for Education and other cloud-based applications which our students and teachers use extensively Tiffin School has selected a Chromebook, the ASUS C213NA Flip, because it works so well in the educational setting, and we can offer it at an extremely competitive price. The cost of the Chromebook including a Chrome Management Licence worth £20, set up and distribution costs is £269. We will only charge pupils on free school meals £99.

The Chromebooks will be given to your son during their first two days at Tiffin but we need to ask you to pay via ParentPay


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