OSHA General Industry Regulations

March 25, 2016 (Federal Register Volume 81, No. 58) [RIN 1218-AC87] §§1910.6 and 1910.133 have been revised to update the references in OSHA’s eye and face standards to reflect the most recent edi- tion of the ANSI/International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) eye and face protection standard. The oldest-referenced edition of the same ANSI standard has been removed. May 12, 2016 (Federal Register Volume 81, No. 92) [RIN 1218-AC49] §§1904.35 and 1904.36 have been modified to update requirements on how employers inform employees to report work-related inju- ries and illnesses to their employer. The rule requires employers to inform employees of their right to report work-related injuries and illnesses free from retaliation; clarifies the existing implicit requirement that an employer’s procedure for reporting work-related inju- ries and illnesses must be reasonable and not deter or discourage employees from reporting; and incorporates the existing statutory prohibition on retaliating against employees for reporting work-related injuries or illnesses. This rule also amends OSHA’s existing recordkeeping regulation to clarify the rights of employees and their representatives to access the injury and illness records.

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