around the book, new work/freelance/gig economy issues, union building and professional management, links with community organisations, pay. 42 I have spoken to Dr Mike Seal of Newman University and Alan Smith of Leeds Beckett, contributors to our book and education officers about shaping up a strong educational input again. I have spoken to Dr Stephanie Taylor of the Open University who has just published a collection of international chapters on new work environments and patters with an emphasis on freelance work and she is prepared to lead thinking about this area at the event. I have also had a constructive meeting with Stephen Evens Chief Executive of the Work and Learning Institute who would like to attend the Conference. David Prince of ACAS is also prepared to attend. Professor Peter Prowse who attended our Summit is prepared to share his recent work on pay and the living wage etc. The Institute for Employment Rights are prepared to contribute on their manifesto for collective bargaining. I have contacted two national community organisations and they are prepared to contribute on this theme. Dr Steve French at the University of Keele is keen to continue to support us on the organisation and management development side. 43 I propose that I draft a programme and circulate for approval to the Conference working group. 44 I was pleased to address the NAPO Conference and with the Education Officer run a stall promoting our courses. 45 I was pleased to address the SWU Conference and celebrated their 50 % membership increase in one year. This speech was covered in the media. 46 I was hoping that a younger member of Chooseyouth might take over as the organisation’s chair but this was not to be. So I have remained as Chair. It has been a very busy period of campaigning and I am delighted to report that real progress has been made. For the first time in history since the birth of the Youth Service a parliamentary political party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has committed to making the rebuilding of youth services and priority and making a requirement on all local authorities to provide it. Jeremy produced a short video to propose this at the outset of Youth Work Week. Also in Youth Work week CHooseyotuh organised a parliamentary launch of its rebooted campaign to celebrate youth work and rebuild youth services. I addressed this and it was ably chaired by Tracy Brabin MP. It was a very successful meeting. Work will now be taken forward withj many MPs in particular Lloyd Russell Moyle MP Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Youth Affairs. I will meet him shortly to progress this. 47 I have been asked to address the November 30 th launch of the BASW/SWU anti austerity campaign. 48 I wrote tributes for two longstanding members of the national negotiating committee for youth and community workers who passed away. Campaigning and Work with Affiliates.

International Work.

49 I have been invited to address the European Conference for freedom for Abdullah Ocalan on December 6/7. This has been agreed with the President and Vice President.

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