Planting Churches among the City's Poor - Volume 1


6. A new church teaches the Bible (Acts 4.2; 5.19-21; 5.42; 8.4; 11.25-26; 18.11; 20.20; 28.31).

7. A new church offers another place for Christian service (Acts 6.3; 9.36; 11.25-26; 11.29-30; 17.15).

8. A new church trains lay leaders to become preachers (Acts 6.10; 14.23).

9. A new church crosses cultural barriers (Acts 8.35; 10.1-48; 16.9; 22.21).

10. A new church mentors new believers (Acts 9.26-28; 20.20; 20.31, 36; 20.34-36; 20.27).

11. A new church supports worldwide missionary activity (Acts 13.2-3; 16.9-10).

12. A new church starts other churches (Acts 13.2-3; 16.9-10).

B. The Church as the where of district and locale church cooperation and support

1. The concept of the Locale Church: “The presence and association of all Christ-honoring congregations in a particular geographical area, regardless of form, denomination, or structure (whether traditional, community, mega-churches, or cell or house churches) which together represent the body of Christ and kingdom witness in a region.” 2. In the NT, the churches throughout Asia Minor and the Roman empire were connected and built upon the apostolic witness concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ; in every sense, the early Church was a united, universal church (i.e., it was not perceived in abstract language but real terms, concrete and visible).

3. The Nicene markers were there in the early church!

a. One: Eph. 4.4-6 (ESV) – There is one body and one Spirit – just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call – one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

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